Chapter 7

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"Oh look at him mashaa Allah. He looks exactly like you Samreen." Cooed Ghazala, cuddling the new baby in her arms.

Samreen smiled, leaning against the headboard of the hospital bed. It was the next day after giving birth. She had recovered considerably but there were eye bags under her eyes and one could easily tell she was still tired.

Faraz sat beside his wife on the bed and encircled his arm around his wife's shoulders and smirked proudly, "Then you have a beautiful grandson." He kissed the crown of Samreen's hijab clad head. She lowered her eyes at her husband's outwardly attention.

"Besharam (shameless)," Ghazala softly reprimanded and averted her eyes as her son openly showed affections to his wife. But she was smiling seeing the love between her son and daughter in law. With every breath, she prayed that her sons are happy with their respective spouses.

There was a light knock on the door and then Fiza peered in the hospital room, "Can we come in?"

"Of course," Ghazala answered, smiling at her second daughter in law.

Fiza sauntered into the room with Shahbaz behind her. Faraz stood up and his younger brother hugged him, "Congratulations bhai." Faraz slapped his back in a manly gesture of showing affection.

Fiza squealed looking at the baby, "I will cuddle him but first I need to give his Mama a big hug." Smilingly, she approached exhausted Samreen and squeezed her in a tight loving hug, "Congratulations Bhabi. Mashaa Allah you are a very strong woman. These days' most people don't have more than two children."

Samreen smiled weakly, "Alhumdulilah."

Fiza turned and her attention was solely on the baby and as she held the baby from her mother in law, she wasn't able to take off her eyes from the little bundle of joy wrapped in a cotton baby blue cotton wrap. He was asleep but Fiza was fascinated and she stared at the small being. She looked up at her husband and her sparkling eyes met his questioning ones. "I had never held such a small baby before." she whispered.

Shahbaz stepped closer to his wife and spoke in a low tone, "You want a baby too?" it wasn't a statement but a question. They were newly married. Not even a year had passed. They had never discussed of their children thinking it was better they gave time to learn and understand each other before they start a family. But now as Shahbaz gazed at his wife's eyes full with wonder and excitement, he knew what she wished for.

"Inshaa Allah," she murmured nodding slightly and then gazing down at the sleeping new born baby in awe.

Squeezing her arm, he said softly, "Well we will have to work on it. Don't we?"

Fiza's eyes widened and her cheeks tinted, "Shahbaz" she reprimanded gently and glanced at the other people in the room. Faraz and Ghazala were discussing some matter it seemed while Samreen had slid down on the bed and was nearly dozing off. She sighed in relief that no one heard her husband's brazen teasing.

Shahbaz chuckled, "You need to work hard to gain something, my Fiza darling."

She flushed and stepped away from him, knowing well if she stayed near him, he would continue to tease her. She walked up to her mother in law, "So what have you decided on the name?" she glanced at Faraz.

"Salim Ahmed." Faraz announced.

"What does that mean?" Fiza asked.

"Happy and peaceful." Informed Faraz.

"Who gave adhaan?" Shahbaz asked, walking near the group with his hands in his jeans pockets.

"Dad was here early in the morning."

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