Chapter 9

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The bitter cold winds swept through Dublin. The barren trees swayed in the freezing squalls of winds. The days were shorter and grey and the nights were long, very long. But it was festive season. Lights glittered in each street celebrating the Christmas season. In Faraz and Samreen apartment, it was a conflicting atmosphere where Samreen was exhausted for the last one week because of her never ending chores. There were times everyone wanted attention at the same time or other times when one after other of the children wanted some needs to be fulfilled. She was in a whirlpool of jobs to be completed. It seemed she had the magic wand that answered everyone's pleads including her husband's.

Faraz had become sullen day by day where it had become intolerable to even have a decent conversation with him. He was very busy in his new project. Many times, he was coming home late night and leaving early morning. The time he was home, he would be lashing out at Samreen as a means to express his frustrations. But she was fatigued herself to be the target of Faraz's non-stop ranting. At times, she wished she had earplugs that would obliterate her hearing abilities.

This was the first weekend the couple was spending at their apartment after Salim's birth. There were nothing special planned. Instead, Samreen was looking forward to a restful weekend when Faraz would be home and share the responsibility of taking care of their children. But she was disillusioned.

"Faraz, do you think you can mind Daniyal while I chat to Ammi on Skype?" Samreen called out to Faraz.

Since the birth of Salim, Samreen hadn't been able to chat to her mother properly. She missed her parents. It had been nearly two years since she last visited Jeddah. The busy schedule and the endless chores kept her busy to take out time for herself or even a phone call.

"Not now Sammy I am working on something," Faraz muttered as he typed on his laptop.

Irritated, Samreen grabbed Daniyal's hand and seated him on the floor in front of the sofa where Faraz was seated with his laptop. She spread lots of toys around him. "Just keep an eye that's all I am asking you to do."

Faraz was too engrossed in his work to respond. This was the best time to talk to her mother as Salim was asleep, Liyaanah was colouring her new Frozen colouring book at the kitchen table. There was no cooking or cleaning to do as she had cooked dinner already.

Settling on the bed, she dialled her mother on Skype on her iPad. To her, it was ages since last she had seen her mother. The call was answered and her mother's face appeared on the screen. Nostalgic tears filled her eyes. She missed her terribly.

"Ammi, Assalam u alaikum," she said hoarsely.

"Samreen beti Walaikum salaam it has been so long finally I get to see you." Cheerfully Razia replied but Samreen observed her mother's moist eyes.

"Beti look at your face. You look pale. Are you not taking care of yourself?"

"I am" Samreen squeaked.

"And your puffy eyes, is the baby keeping you awake?"

Tears dripped down her face, and she swallowed so that her voice didn't tremble. Only a mother would be concerned of her daughter's health and wellbeing. She had been so busy fulfilling her children and husband's demands that many times she wasn't able to look at herself in the mirror. How many days had passed by that she wasn't eating well? She should be eating a nutritious diet but not until her stomach grumbled during the day that she remembered she was hungry.

Razia'a eyebrows furrowed in concern, "What is the matter? Are you feeling ok? Tell me."

"It's nothing Ammi. I get tired all day that's all."

Forgetting Love (Dublin Sisters #2.5)Where stories live. Discover now