Chapter 16

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Samreen's hands balled into fists on her sides and she strode purposively towards the bed. The movement at the door distracted and startled Faraz, his eyes widened and the phone slipped from his fingers on to the bed. He hastily pulled up his pajama pants and covered himself with the discarded sheet that was lying near his feet. But it was too late, his wife had witnessed the sin he was indulged in.

Rage was blazing in her eyes, "How could you?" she spat.

He wasn't able to reply back nor was he able to look at her face. She clutched the sheet and yanked it hard but he held the end of it at his torso covering himself.

"Why are you covering yourself now?" she fumed.

"Let go, Sammy," he retaliated and his grip on the sheet strengthened.

"What are you afraid of now? You were shamelessly doing it a moment ago. Why bother stopping and covering?" she tugged the sheet but it didn't slid away from his body.

"Stop it" he yelled, sitting up. His eyes burning with fury.

She stepped back, the sheet slithering away from her fingers, "How long you think you can hide your sin?"

He didn't meet her eyes, his head bowed down.

"Did you once think that Allah is watching? He is the Al-Basir – the all-seeing. Your sinful act is not hidden from Him. Have some fear Faraz. Fear of Allah."

"Bas (Enough) Sammy. You have said what you wanted now go away." He replied turning away from her.

"No, I am not done." She leaped forward and grabbed his arm forcing him to face her. "What about the angels who are recording your each and every deed. The Kiraman katibeen are always recording."

"Just leave me," he bellowed in the room that startled the baby in his sleep and Salim's wails echoed in the room.

"You are an animal. Do you know that? No shame. Nothing."

That was the last insult that Faraz could take. He spun around and pointed an accusing finger at Samreen's chest, "Don't you start ok? How many times I approached you? But you were either too tired or not in the mood. I am a man with needs."

Samreen stepped back in disbelief, her eyes rounding. "Oh no, you don't. Don't even you think of blaming for this addiction of yours."

Salim's wails grew louder, diverting her attention as she bent over the crib to lift her sleepy and annoyed son.

Faraz jaw clenched, "That is the truth."

Perching the baby on her hips, he rested his head on his mother's shoulder. Samreen raised her eyes to him, "What about the times I did come to you but you ignored me?"

He had nothing to defend himself. Standing up, he marched to her and his eyes levelled to her, "You better not say no next time then and I will never do this again."

He stormed out of the room leaving behind a very baffled woman with a baby in her arms.

Sleep with him again? She was disgusted by him. But she had to sort this mess as well. She would have to let go of her self-esteem and ego again.

How much more sacrifices will she be making?

How many of his mistakes will she be forgiving?

How long can she have a blind eye to his sins?


It was the lunch break when finally Faraz had time to think over the early morning disturbing confrontation with Samreen. He was mortified to be caught by Samreen in such a manner. He agreed he was sinning. But how was it his fault? He started this because of his desperation. How was a man supposed to fulfil his needs when his wife wasn't interested? It wasn't as if he had gone to another woman. Instead he had watched to relieve himself. Besides, people did say masturbation was alright. There was nothing wrong with it. It was part of being a man when he wasn't able to meet his sexual needs. So why was she been so grumpy and angry?

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