Chapter 5

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"Everything looks fine Samreen for 32 weeks' pregnancy." The doctor pointed at the baby's head on the scanning machine monitor, "The baby's head is sized exactly right and if can you see there" she pointed again, "The baby is waving at his parents."

Laying back on the hospital bed, Samreen smiled at the baby who was moving vigorously. "Active baby," the doctor commented loosening her pressure of the scanning stick on Samreen's protruding stomach and then moving it away as the scan was completed.

Faraz had a soft smile and awestruck eyes as he had watched his baby moving around. He turned to his wife who was wiping the gel from her stomach. He offered his hand and she gratefully held on to it as she slowly sat up.

The doctor settled back behind her desk and started writing notes in Samreen's medical file. When Faraz and Samreen were seated across the doctor, Faraz asked the question that was on his mind for many days, "Doctor, I needed to ask whether it is ok to have sex when Samreen is suffering with pelvic bone gap?"

The doctor looked up from the file and smiled, "Of course it is okay. There is nothing wrong in having sex during pregnancy unless the pregnant woman is medically unfit. The pelvic bone gap is not a condition that should stop you. Although, it may become a little uncomfortable." The doctor eyebrows furrowed as if thinking, "you just need to find out the position that is the most comfortable for Samreen."

Faraz nodded thoughtfully while Samreen glared at him. He had been after her for the last few days but she was not giving in. She exhaled knowing now she had no more excuses.

The doctor glanced at both of them, "Any more questions then?" They both shook their heads. "Good then I will see you in two weeks' time." The doctor said handing the pink medical file to Samreen.

Samreen slowly strolled out the doctor office. Faraz followed her and then gradually he took her hand in his. She faced him and glowered, "You really had to ask that." She muttered.

He smiled sheepishly, "I needed confirmation," he winked.

"Pervert," she said under her breath.

He chuckled softly, "I heard that." Squeezing her hand, he whispered, "only with you."

She lightly smacked his arm, "Stop it, we are in public place." She stepped out of the Coombe Women's Hospital into the warm sunny late August morning.

"Why don't you go up to the car and I will pay for the parking ticket." Faraz's hand slid away from hers and he handed her the car keys, "Besides it will take you longer to reach."

It was difficult to walk faster now as she was growing bigger. She narrowed her eyes, "Faraz are you making fun of my condition."

He smirked, "No Sammy girl, I was stating facts."

"Fine make fun as much as you want." She huffed and made her way to the parking lot.

"Sammy, don't get angry." Faraz shouted after her but she never turned around.

Pregnancy mood swings, Faraz sighed as he inserted coins in the parking paying machine.

Once the payment was done he strode to the car and slid on the driving seat. He had one glance at his wife and he knew she was still angry, "C'mon Sammy, you can't be angry until now."

She was looking out the window with her arms crossed over her chest, "This is all your fault you know. I am in this condition only because of you. And then you make fun of me."

He gently touched her arm, "I was joking."

She squirmed away from his touch and then she turned around to face him. Her teary eyes angrily stared at him, "I am fed up of my condition and all you think about is joking."

Forgetting Love (Dublin Sisters #2.5)Where stories live. Discover now