Chapter 22

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There were a myriad of mobile phones displayed on the glass shelves each with distinct features that would not only let the users make calls and text but much more. It was like clutching the world in one's hand. However, Faraz was at the shop for a different purpose.

Gary, the shopkeeper, smiled as he gazed at Faraz, "Hey there. How can I help you today?"

"I was here last week and bought a phone. It's good. But..." Faraz rubbed the back of his neck and stammered, "Can I ... can I ... just get a phone that has no internet and stuff. Only good for calling and texting."

Gary had a puzzled look, "Excuse me?" that was the most peculiar request he had heard since he started working in the mobile phones shop.

"Just a simple phone from which I can call and text."

Gary slowly nodded his phone in understanding and then rummaged through the shelves until he selected a small black colour device.

"This phone does have the internet but is very slow on it. You can't browse much but it is very good for calling and texting." Gary switched on the phone and flickered through the different applications.

A delightful smile stretched Faraz's lips and his stance relaxed, "Great. I will take it."

Once the phone was purchased, he immediately put his sim on this new phone. Last week he had again bought an iPhone and that was a severe mistake. In the ten days since Samreen and the children had left, he had been struggling daily and most of the time he had succumbed to this evil addiction until an idea had conjured up that if he didn't have any avenue to seek this pleasure he would not be as tempted. He was too lazy to switch on the laptop to view porn and the iPad that they owned, Samreen had taken with her. So there was no device from which he could access from.

Now there was one more step to be taken which hopefully would help him further. With determination, he strode to the parking lot where his car was.

He was praying with all his heart that this would work.


There was a group of people sitting in a circle. A woman sat in the centre and cheerfully greeted the group, "Good afternoon everyone. I am Claire and I will be assisting you all through these group therapy meetings. There is nothing to be embarrass about. We are all here for a common reason." She paused for a few seconds and her eyes held the eyes of the shameful men and women. "We all have been fighting this addiction. Each one of you are struggling and together we can work towards getting rid of this addiction and moreover, work towards a brighter future where we fight against this addiction." Encouragingly nodding at the participants Claire prompted, "Why don't you all introduce yourself one by one."

"I am Steve. I work part time at the bar and have been addicted to porn for more than last five years."

Claire nodded and then turned to the next person. One by one, each person introduced themselves until it was the turn of a dark haired petite girl. Her head was bowed and her shoulders hunched. She wasn't able to meet eyes with anyone. Her lips quivered and she opened them to speak but nothing came out.

"It's okay dear. Take your time," Claire gently heartened the girl.

Eyes still downcast, she said in a very hushed tone, "I ... I ... I ... am Hira. I am 19 years old, a student at the local college." There was a long pause and she heaved, "My porn addiction started two years ago when I was curious about the explicit pictures on the internet. One day led to another until I was watching it daily."

Faraz was sitting quietly with his head lowered but now his head shot up and he was shocked to see a young Muslim girl in the grips of such a heinous addiction. Now that the girl had started speaking it was like floodgates were open and she was expressing herself more and more.

Forgetting Love (Dublin Sisters #2.5)Where stories live. Discover now