Chapter 1

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The test showed the cross sign.

How was this possible?

They had been so careful. They had used protection each and every time. But then...

Clutching the corner of the bathroom sink Samreen slowly collapsed on the edge of the bathtub. She bit her lips and again glanced at the test. It was no use, it wasn't going to change. She shut her eyes and buried her face in her hands.

Why Allah? It was too soon. Daniyal was only 8 months old. The only question that went through her mind was - how will she manage the pregnancy with a three year old girl and eight months old baby. She didn't know how long she sat in her deep thoughts. She felt energy had drained out of her. A knock at the door brought her back to the present.

"Sammy? Are you ok?"

Taking a deep breath, she stood up and opened the door. Faraz had one glance at her and he knew. He knew they had done it again.

"It's positive isn't it?" he needed to say it out loud to confirm.

"Yes," she breathed, shoulders drooping she walked past him to the bedroom.

He rushed after her and grabbed her arm, "Hey Sammy girl, why the long face? Alhumdulilah it's a blessing." He pulled her in an embrace.

She lightly punched his chest, "It's all your fault you know. It happened because of that time in the living room. I had told you to be careful. But you never listen do you." Her tired voice muffled against his shirt.

He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the crown of her head, "Sweetie, it takes two to make a baby." He tried to make a joke out of it.

She pulled back a little to peer at his face, "ya well when I have ever denied you to make love. That doesn't mean you don't listen to me."

"Ok, ok I agree. It was a mistake. But it was meant to happen. Think of it that way." He calmed her down by stroking her arms soothingly.

"Faraz how will I manage. You know how handful Daniyal is?" She stepped away and turned around facing the sleeping baby in the crib. "He always keeps me on my toes. What if I get really sick during this pregnancy as well?"

He slipped his arms around her waist from behind and lightly kissed her shoulder, "Allah burdens not a person beyond his scope." He recited the Quran ayah, "Besides I will help you out."

She glanced at him from the corner of her eyes and said in an amused tone, "Really when was the last time you changed Daniyal's nappy."

He leaned his forehead on her shoulder, "Baby anything but that you know that." he groaned. Lifting his head, he whispered in her ear, "I will help you. I promise. I will clean the house and even take Liyaana and Daniyal out to the park so you can have some peaceful time of your own."

She covered her arms around his, "You better stick to your promise Mister."

He kissed her cheek, "I will. Now it's celebration time. I am taking you out for dinner to celebrate the arrival of our third child."

She chuckled, leaning back she ruffled his hair, "I would love that."


"BHAAAAABIIIII" Nawal screeched coming down the stairs. "Is it true then? Am I to become a phuphu again?" she said breathlessly landing on the bottom stairs.

Samreen and Faraz had decided to visit Faraz's parents after dropping Liyaana to the crèche. Faraz had some work with his father while Samreen was eager to catch up with her mother in law and sister in law.

Forgetting Love (Dublin Sisters #2.5)Where stories live. Discover now