Chapter 17

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It was the silence after the storm. The children slept late in the mornings as it was a weekend. The clock ticked and the baby lightly snored. Only the tune of the early autumn raindrops spluttering on the windows echoed in the household. Tears escaped her eyes as they continued to moisten her pillow. Clutching the end of the pillow, she buried her face in it. Remembering the horrific argument brought shivers down her spine.

Laying in his arms as his hands roved over every curve and dip of her body and his lips followed his hands, she was being sinking into the sensual whirlpool. Her hands clutching his hair and her nails biting into his skin but everything changed abruptly when he suggested it.

"You want me to do what?" Samreen gasped, she had stiffened under his touch.

His lips were grazing her arm slowly sliding up to her shoulder, "Sammy please."

She swallowed. How could he ask her that? "But...but we have never done something like that before."

His lips hovered over her collarbone, his tongue making its mark. "C'mon let's be adventurous."

She frowned and her lips twisted in disgust, "You think this is adventurous to take it in the mouth? What is wrong with you? It's disgusting." Whatever arousing spell that she had been dazed into had disappeared the moment he suggested it.

He lightly bit the side of her neck, "You may like it." His hands going to her breasts.

"No I won't do it." she resolved squaring her shoulders. His hot kisses and his sensual hands not affecting her anymore. She was far more disturbed.

"It's not like it is actually haram. I am not asking you something that is specifically said is forbidden." His eyes holding hers as he lifted his head from her shoulder and removed his hands from her body.

"Different scholars have different views on it. But that's beside the point. I am not comfortable and you should respect my decision." Samreen scanned his features looking for compassion from her husband.

His jaw clenched, "You are not ready to please your husband." He pulled back and grabbed his t-shirt.

"You can't ask me unreasonable demands. Am I asking you any of that sort?" she pulled the sheet over her naked breasts as she sat up.

"Forget it Sammy. You have disappointed me."

She blinked several times, "What? How can you say that?"

He pulled his t-shirt down his head and turned to her. Pointing an accusing finger at her, "Don't blame me if I want more out of our intimacy. And you definitely can't complain if I am watching then."

Her eyebrows knotted, "This doesn't give you excuse to watch."

"Then do what I said."

She just couldn't. And he understood. Taking his phone, he left to sleep on the sofa in the living room but not before watching explicit videos for hours.

She was stunned, broken and hopeless.

How could she stop him? And now after this incident she didn't think she had any more patience or self-respect left to let him abuse her in such a manner. Opening her eyes, she rubbed the side of her face on the pillow, she would lead her life and he would lead his. That was the only solution now.

Forgetting Love (Dublin Sisters #2.5)Where stories live. Discover now