Chapter 18

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"Liyaa wake up now. You are getting late for school," Samreen shook her four year old daughter's shoulder but it was to no avail.

"Mommy I am tired." She mumbled sleepily.

"What about school? Only a few days left and then you will have winter holidays." Samreen again shook her little girl's shoulder.


"Ok fine Liyanah will not go to school today. I remember Ms. Borderick was telling me today she has planned painting day."

Liyaanah stirred on her bed, "Painting."

"Yes" Samreen feigned nonchalance as she stood up, "But its okay you can miss it."

Rubbing her eyes with her small fingers, "No no I wanna go school." Liyaanah said sitting up.

Samreen's lips twitched in delight, "That's my girl. C'mon let's go to the toilet now and wash up."

Hopping off the bed, Liyaanah bounced to the bathroom and Samreen followed her.

Months had passed by and Samreen had found her happiness in her children. They were the centre of her life now. Their food, their cleanliness, their upbringing and everything was her sole focus. She didn't expect anything out of her husband. She had stopped complaining. She had left the matters in Allah's hands. So far there was not an inch closer to any positive changes. In fact, the distance had grown wider than continents and deeper than oceans.

"Mommy how many days left for holidays?" Liyaanah asked as Samreen buttoned her sky blue uniform shirt.

"Two days. Then you know who is coming over for few days?"

Liyaanah exclaimed, "Marwa and Safa" Liyaanah stepped into the navy blue pleated uniform skirt that Samreen held. "How long they gonna be here?"

"I think only 2 days."

Liyaanah's smile faltered and Samreen quickly added, "But you know what then we will go to their home for a few days."

Liyaanah's smile grew brighter.

"Now go and see if your father is ready to drop you to school." Samreen said after tying Liyaanah's hair in pony tail.

"I am ready. Is my princess ready?" Faraz called from the children's room doorway.

Grabbing her Frozen princess pink bag and her heavy winter jacket, Liyaanah dashed to her father, "Daddy you know Safa and Marwa are coming over for a few days."

Faraz rose his eyebrows and glanced at his wife, "Really? No one told me."

Samreen stood up, "If you would take any interest in what is happening at home you would find out."

Faraz's jaw clenched, "Don't start first thing in the morning."

She glared at him but then her gaze flickered to her daughter who was nervously watching her parents. Her anger subsided, "Go sweetheart. You are getting late for school. Give Mommy a kiss."

Liyaanah's tensed body immediately relaxed and she pressed a sloppy kiss on her mother's cheek when Samreen bent down.

She watched her husband holding her daughter's hand as they walked out of the apartment. The temperatures dropped significantly in the month of December but nothing was as cold as Samreen's heart. It was frozen now.

His love was the only antidote to defrost it. But it didn't seem any time soon that her frozen heart would revive.


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