Chapter 29

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Tears leaked from the red puffy eyes. His cheeks were flaming and he was very irritated. Wails could be heard echoing in the house. Daniyaal was running a high fever, where his mother Samreen was cold sponging him to reduce the high body temperature.

The week had been a chaos for Samreen. The first few days, the temperatures had unexpectedly plummeted which made the young children have runny noses and coughs. By the time, all three of them settled down with the cold symptoms, Daniyaal's health deteriorated again due to another bout of teething. This time it was worse, he had high fever the whole time. Samreen wasn't able to do any proper house chores and the child was very cranky. Moreover, she wasn't even been able to look after the other two children.

At this time, Faraz had been a great support. Patiently, he had taken care of the other two children, especially Liyaanah. He got her ready for school and even made her breakfast of plain jam sandwich when Samreen was too exhausted to wake up after a sleepless night of taking care of Daniyaal.

Faraz was also able to control his nafs (desires). Probably, because he had no time to think about it. He was extremely busy at work as the deadline of the project was approaching and at home was no rest. Liyaanah and Salim were sleeping with him so that they don't wake up from Daniyaal's wails during the night. Samreen attended to toddler all the time.

During this difficult week, Faraz was able to understand the importance of keeping oneself busy. The empty mind is the home of Satan, was a very famous quote in Urdu and now he truly believed so. Even if prohibited thoughts entered his mind, he would quickly divert himself with the chores in front of him. And it was working. So far it was.

Saturday evening, when Faraz came back from the community centre with Liyaanah and Salim, he peeked in the children's bedroom, "How is he?" he tilted his head at Daniyal's direction.

A tired Samreen, exhaled, "Better but I think still a bit fussy. But the worse is over now Alhumdulilah (Praise be to Allah)."

Faraz felt bad that all week Samreen was excruciatingly busy with Daniyaal, "Do you want to go out?"

A small smile touched her lips, "No we will plan some other time."

He smiled back, "It's okay once he is better we will have our special time."

Indeed being parents of young children required to put their full attention to the young ones at all times. Not all goes as planned for them but that didn't mean to be disheartened and not plan later when there is relevantly more harmony at home.


As the days rolled by, the children's health improved especially Daniyal's. The tooth for which his body had been suffering was finally appearing. His disposition vastly enhanced and now he was back to his old self, smiling at all times and playing with his siblings.

But the workload for Samreen didn't end there. Now she had a ton of laundry to do and the house to clean thoroughly. By the end of the day, she was completely fatigued but she never stopped giving her attentions to Faraz. He was moulding himself as per the need of the household. During the weekends he cleaned with Samreen and reprimanded her not to do extra cleaning during the week.

In all of this mayhem, there were days when he did slip up. But he had learned how to cope with it. Distracting himself was the first strategy but when that didn't work. He would sought out Samreen before he succumb to his wrongful desires.

On one Sunday morning as Samreen was washing the breakfast dishes, the children running around the apartment, Faraz approached her hopefully. She was the answer to his weakness. There was once a time when he was ashamed of his addiction. But with time as it lessened he learned to depend more on her. During the weekend, the urge was not only at night but also during the day. And Samreen had very good idea how to get rid of the addiction.

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