Chapter 24

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The early spring flowers were blooming in the backyard. The breeze was still chilly. Wrapped in a thick pashmina floral embroidery shawl Samreen was curled on the garden chair at Nouman's backyard gazing blindly at the daffodils.

Ghazala had insisted that Samreen come with the children to stay for a week at Ghazala's home. There was no problem in that. She always loved staying at her parents in laws home and the children would be delighted to spend time with their grandparents but... it was Faraz. She still had no courage to face him. What if he was there? Her heart bled every night laying lonely in bed despite sleeping among her three children. Her eyes were always moist thinking of the unforgettable past and the mystified future. She still had not come to a decision.

As a woman, she was not ready to forgive him as she had given him so many chances in the last few months but as a mother...that was an entirely different story. Liyaanah always narrated her conversation with her daddy, excitedly telling everyone how Daddy was ready to shower her with gifts that ranged from a variety of chocolates to toys. In more than two months, buying toys or even chocolates had become a luxury. She had her own bank account and had saved some money which she had been spending and was sufficient for her small expenses. Although, Nouman had ensured he met all Samreen's and the children's needs. She was embarrassed that her brother was taking responsibility of her expenses. But he was a proud brother, not ready to accept any kind of compensation from Samreen.

What had surprised her though was that at the start of this month, Faraz had credited a rather large sum in her bank account. But she never touched it. It was wrong to use his money when she was upset with him. Money would not give her what she wanted. She wanted her husband not his money. She craved his love not his wealth. Instead she continued meeting her small expenses with her meagre savings.

Nouman cleared his throat as he settled on the garden chair next to her. "What have you decided?"

Her lips were dried and her throat clogged with unspoken emotions. In that moment, she saw a small Robin carrying seeds in her beak flying to her nest full of young Robins on one of the pear trees at the backyard. The mother Robin filled each baby Robin beak with a small portion of the seed and when none was left she flew away seeking more food for her babies. She never had any of the seed for herself. And in that moment, seeing the selfless mother Robin, Samreen found her answer.

"I will be going."

The sun shone as the grey clouds blew away. The sun rays warming all that it touched. It was sign of a promising future.

Samreen hoped so.

But most of all, she prayed with all her heart for the lost happiness.

The phone was ringing again. Faraz didn't bother to glance at the caller id. He knew who was calling. He knew it well. The phone had been ringing for hours. But he ignored it. What did he have to say? His mother had been calling him since morning but he had nothing to tell her. He had no more excuses to give or explanations to give why Samreen wasn't home.

He was so so fed up with his solitude. The white washed walls mocked him. The deserted halls silently whistled at his misery. The furniture scratched his body. He was alone. Completely alone.

Sighing deeply, he pulled a cigarette from its pack. As he lighted it with the simple red plastic lighter, Samreen's pleading eyes flashed back to him.

"Promise me you won't smoke." she slowly shook her head, gently taking the cigarette from his fingers.

He frowned, "Give it back Sammy."

Forgetting Love (Dublin Sisters #2.5)Where stories live. Discover now