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I am getting fed up of very rude comments. I just got a very rude comment on one of my books.

From day one I have been saying I AM WRITING ON SOCIAL TABOO issues. I am addressing issues that are real in life what we are ashamed to talk about it. Each of my books looks into many themes and NOT JUST SEX.

I will say this once and once only. You find my books explicit DO NOT READ IT. I am here to create awareness. If this is haram why do different Islamic scholars also address these problems? Why did the Quran point out about intimacy? Why is there is a whole collection of Hadith explaining how to be with one's wife?

Next time I see another rude comment I will directly delete it and block the person. I don't have the patience or the tolerance to give my justifications. Let this be between me and Allah. He is the ultimate Judge and He knows my intention as to why I am writing. 

Forgetting Love (Dublin Sisters #2.5)Where stories live. Discover now