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13 years later

"Assalam u alaikum boys." Faraz stood at one end of the classroom in the weekend Islamic school and addressed to the teen boys staring back at him.

"Walaikum salaam," they replied in unison.

His hands in his pockets, Faraz came around the desk and perched his hip on it, "Now today's topic is very sensitive but it is very important for all of us."

The teen boys eyes widened in apprehension.

Faraz pressed his hand to his chest, "Today I am not your teacher but rather your friend. So we are going to have a heart to heart talk."

The twenty Muslim boys nodded hesitantly.

"Your body is changing now. You are taking a step into adulthood. You will see beard growing on your face and more prominent hair on other parts of your body." He remained silent for a few seconds letting this piece of information sink in. "There are also changes in our feelings. The feelings to be attracted to another woman / girl. This is completely natural. This is how Allah has made us. But the question that arise is how we deal with these feelings can either lead us to Haram ways or Halal ways."

The boys were completely soundless, holding their breath as to what Faraz was talking about. Their weekend Quran teacher who taught them Tajweed and Islamic manners was now talking about women...girls!

His eyes roamed over the different faces, "So who can tell me what is the halal way to deal with these feelings?"

"Marriage." A boy shouted from the back of the classroom.

Thoughtfully, Faraz noded, "Exactly but since most of you are 15-16 years old, how do you deal with this change? Or let us say this desire?"

The boys squirmed on their seats and some even bowed their heads.

As Faraz had thought, there were boys who were exposed to porn even at this age, "What is porn?" he asked the question directly.

Some boys sniggered and others turned white.

"C'mon what I did I say? Be open with me."

But none of the boys had the courage to speak until the fifteen year old Yousef raised his hand, "Yes Yousef?"

"Explicit videos on sex," Yousef said without abating his eyelashes. The fifteen year old Daniyaal covered his face with his hands. Mortified, he knew exactly where this conversation was going. It was embarrassing how his father would talk about such matters. But Faraz always said to his children it was better to be open so we are aware of the sins and not make it into a habit.

"Good Yousef. It is easily accessible on the internet. I am not going to ask you, which one of you have watched it. That is between you and Allah. But I am here to explain you how this filth can destroy you as a person, your relationships and most of all drag you away from Imaan (faith)." Faraz stood up and walked to the centre of the class. "Let me tell you a story..."

Daniyaal had heard this story many times and knew exactly what his father was about to say. It was about a man who was addicted to porn during his teen years and how it affected his marriage.

Sighing, Daniyal slithered downward on his chair, this is going to be a long class.

But it was beneficial, may be not for Daniyal who was used to his father's open lectures on the subject. But other boys attentively listened to Faraz and for the first time, the boys were not bored in the class as they grasped the information and advices Faraz gave.

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