Chapter 3

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Tears were streaming down Samreen's face as she gazed up at her husband's concerned face. Faraz scanned her face, "Where does it hurt?" he asked gently.

"The pelvic bone," the words uttered from her trembling lips.

He nodded curtly, "Where is your belt?"

Her eyes darted at the dressing table, "There"

He grabbed the belt from the dresser and carelessly dropped it beside Samreen on the bed, "Now give me your hand, you are going to stand up." She tentatively placed her hand in his. "Don't put any pressure on the pubic bone, instead put pressure on your right hip and slowly raise your left hip and then stand up sideways, ok?"

Chewing the inner lower lip, she nodded and did as Faraz instructed her. Slowly, putting weight on her hands which Faraz easily supported, she stood up and took a sigh of relief.

"That's my girl. Now we are going to put this belt around you. Lift your shirt up." Faraz spoke softly.

He lowered her pants down to the middle of her buttocks, exposing her hips. He then rounded the belt around her lower abdomen right on her hips just above her pubic bone at the edge of her underwear and fastened it, "Tell me if it is too tight."

"No, it's fine." She whispered.

Faraz's eyebrows knotted in concentration as he made sure the belt was in the right position that would give maximum support to the bone. When satisfied, he finally pulled up her pants. Samreen released the shirt from her fingers and it slipped down her 18 weeks pregnant rounding stomach.

Faraz stepped closer and slipped his hands around Samreen's back. She exhaled and rested her head on his chest. He rubbed his cheek on her hair, "There is no point in suffering. When you know the belt helps, why didn't you put it on earlier?"

"I had planned to but something or the other just kept me busy and then the pain was too much." She muffled against his shirt.

"Look Sammy, there are times I am not there." She lifted her head and he rubbed his hand over her protruding stomach, "I want you to start taking care of yourself. You come first and then the kids. Let them cry." He grinned then, "Besides all they do is throw tantrums."

She giggled, "You are right. I will try my best to look after myself first."

"That's my Sammy girl." He chastely kissed her lips, "Now I am hungry. What's for dinner?"

"Aren't you lucky that I did cook dinner. Otherwise, it were sandwiches again today," she teased pulling back from him.

"That makes me the luckiest man," he replied sarcastically.

Rolling her eyes, she left for the kitchen to do last minute preparations for dinner.


"Samreen, meet my friend Faraz. And Faraz my sister Samreen." Nouman beamed when making introductions at the airport.

Faraz had been staring but quickly averted his gaze and muttered "Salaam."

Samreen knew about Faraz. She had seen her brother's pictures with his friends which he regularly emailed. Faraz was a prominent friend found in every photograph. He was very captivating. She had found him cute when for the first time she had seen his picture but now meeting him for the first time just...

Her heartbeat rose.

And for some reason, she felt her speech had been robbed. He was handsome. No that was an understatement. He was tall, even taller than her brother. Broad, very broad. You could easily tell he worked out. Those soft dark brown locks fell to his forehead giving him a boyish look. His eyes were beautiful. A word, she had never thought would describe a guy. His eyes were dark brown similar to his hair but there was a glint of naughtiness in them. He had the curliest and thickest eyelashes she had ever seen. A girl could easily be jealous of his eyes. They were that pretty.

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