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Her new life began with her lying on the floor unconscious.

With a grunt, she removes her arm from under her head and gasps when she finds herself surrounded by darkness.

Her eyes widen and she sits up with a bolt, struggling to maintain her balance. As she scoots back, her back collides with something firm behind her, and through her skin, she can feel a cold surface underneath her making her shiver.

Just where in the world am I? She wonders rubbing her arms to provide her some warmth. How did I get here? What's going on? Where was I before this happened?

Her breath and hearbeat quicken as her brain comes up with a million questions but not a single answer. The sense of panics grows in her chest and expands through her body as she realizes that she can't remember anything about herself.

Why can't I remember anything? Did I hit my head with something? She thinks and touches her forehead and back of her head but there is no sign of any injuries.

Bringing her knees up to her chest, she places her trembling hands around her legs.

Take a deep breath Eliza. She thinks to herself and then freezes for a second. Okay, I remember my name is Eliza, but why can't I remember anything else?

Pressing her left temple and taking in another deep breath, Eliza closes her eyes and tries to reach into the vast darkness in search for some memories but nothing came. She could remember some things about the world but not anything related to her personally.

With a frustrated sigh, Eliza decides to drop the subject for now. The memories just weren't there and there wasn't much that she could do about that, what she could do however is use the knowledge she had to figure out where she was.

Okay, at least for now try to figure out what's going on and where you are. It may not be much but it's a start. Standing still she focused on the sounds that she hadn't noticed earlier. She could hear metal grinding against metal and machinery working. Then she noticed the movement, feeling like she was moving upwards.

Then she reaches her hands out until she finds the cold wall again. Moving her hand along the smooth surface almost like it's made of metal.

To confirm her suspicion, Eliza makes her hand into a fist and slightly knocks on the wall, listening to the echo bouncing through the metal surface.

"Hello?" She says instinctively looking up. She was sure that no one was there with her but it didn't hurt to try. "Is anyone there? Can someone hear me?" She didn't get a response and she hated the feeling of being alone and helpless.

Interesting. She sighs in frustrations and sits in the corner of the dark metal box, at least thats what it feels like. A box.

There's not much I can do but wait...

How long have I been here? She wonders leaning her head back. It feels like a long time had passed since she first opened her eyes. Is it an hour? Less? More?

For some reason it felt like she had being trapped forever. As she sat, she kept fidgeting with her fingers, anxiously waiting for a chance to escape and figure out where she was.

The concept of time seemed to be lost in the darkness around her. Where am I going anyway? The box has to stop at some point right? There has to be a way out.

Right on cue and alarm sounds and the metal box stops. Making her hit her head with the metal wall.

Ouch. She says rubbing her head lightly.

The darkness is interrupted by a thin line of light that appears and starts expanding little by little. Her eyes felt like they were burning by the sudden outburst of light. She blocked the bright light with her hand and moved it slowly as she adjusted to the light.

The first thing she did was try to look for a way out. Now that there was light she could what was inside the box along with her. She was in the middle of the metal box and there were some crates around her.

When she looked up she could see shadows around but once her eyes adjusted she noticed that the shadows were girls. Maybe around fifty or so of them staring at her.

With anxiety to get out of the box taking over, Eliza uses one of the crates to get out of the box.

"We got a strong stick" a girl with dark hair and skin says.

"Fancy that Harriet" another girl says.

As the girls talk Eliza can't help but frown. Did she just say stick? The word didn't seem like it was commonly used wherever she came from.

"Welcome to the Stade sister" a girl says offering her hand. "You're one of us now."

What's the stade? Who are these people?

How was the first chapter? Don't forget to read, comment and vote^^ I hope you like the story...

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