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"Well," Hanna says, "lately everyone in the stade has been talking about the boy, and they are divided between two opinions."

"Which are?" Rachel asks and everyone draws closer.

"Some sticks think that the fact that they sent a boy means that we will soon find a way out. Other sticks like Ximena think that the boy is a spy and that the creators are messing with us."

"Which one are you?" Rachel asks.

"The group that thinks we will find a way out." Aimee says.

Their conversation is interrupted when Aris lands on the floor with a loud thump.

It takes a few seconds to register what just happened. Ximena angrily approached the boy with her firsts clenched and pushed him to the ground landing on top on him.

Aris lies on the floor gasping for air as the girls gather around.

"This is your fault stick." Ximena says accusingly pointing her finger at Aris.

"What's going on Ximena?" Eliza asks trying to calm the girl.

"For two years the box never failed to come on time, but guess what? It's arrival day and the box didn't come up. I'm pretty sure he has something to do with this." She says glaring at Aris.

"Stuff it for a second Ximena." Eliza says. "Get off him and let's talk."

"Fine." Ximena says and gets off Aris. "But don't forget that I warned you that he was a spy.

Eliza helps Aris sit up and takes him back to the bench.

As Eliza turns around she notices Rachel standing at a distance frowning.

As she approaches her Eliza frowns looking at the sky which looks a darker color.

"What's wrong Rach?" Eliza asks nudging said girl.

"It's nothing." Rachel says but avoids meeting her eyes.

"I can see your wheels spinning from a mile away Rach." Eliza says and Rachel sighs.

"Well, when you got stung, I might have sort of realized that I could communicate with the boy." Rachel says and Eliza tries not to change her facial expression. "It might be nothing but I think Ximena is right."

Eliza looks at her and raises an eyebrow. "You think the boy is a spy?"

"No Liz." Rachel says rolling her eyes playfully but then goes back to being serious. "I think he is the one that made this happen."

"There's only one way to find out." Eliza says and places her finger in her temple.




Is this what you meant when you said you were the trigger? She asks and he nods.

Okay, now all we need to do is find our way out right?

Rachel asks trying not to get her hope up.

Basically. Aris says.

Don't worry, we'll find our way out soon.

Eliza watches as Rachel focuses and taps her shoulder to get her attention.

"So what did he say?"

"We need to go find Harriet and Sonya before anything gets worse."

I feel like the last chapter was kind of lame so I hope this is a little better. Let me know what you think :)

Until next time sticks....

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