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Sweat covers her from head to toe as she lies still on her bed, shivering.

At first, she is floating in a mass of darkness, almost like floating in space but without the stars.

Then a bright light appears making her shield her eyes with her arm and she lands on a platform.

Once she gains her balance, two doors appear in front of her and open sending a gush of strong wind in her direction, sending her tumbling back.

Then she falls into some sort of wormhole like Alice in wonderland.

As she falls, Eliza frowns as she sees the flashing images in her mind. All coming at once and too fast, and then when she reaches the bottom, there is peace and quiet.

She feels herself drown into the darkness.

What was that? She wonders trying to recall what she just saw.

Hey.... She hears a mysterious voice in the darkness and she looks around but finds nothing.

Who are you? She asks back.

My name is Aris, who are you? The male voice says.

Aris? The name doesn't ring a bell. My names Eliza.

Oh, I was trying to reach Rachel.... Aris says and she feels his confusion.

How are you talking to me, I thought you were in a coma?

I am in a comma and I'm not entirely sure, it's just something I can do. He says with a shrug.

Can you tell something to Rachel for me? He asks and she nods, then he whispers what she is supposed to tell her and with that the darkness and emptiness return.


Eliza opens her eyes slowly and lets out a groan, feeling sore.

"Eliza! You're awake!" Sammy says and gives her a hug making her groan again.

"Sorry." Sammy says with a smile. "I'll go get Harriet and Sonya." She says and runs out the door.

Bringing her legs to the side of the bed, she looks at the boy. Was that real? Did he really talk to me? Maybe I just imagined it because of the serum.

Her thoughts are interrupted by Sonya running to her side. "Eliza! You're awake!"

"Um...yeah? Did I miss something?" Eliza asks wondering why everyone is acting like it's such a big deal that she woke up.

"We thought you were going to die." Harriet says.

"How come?"

"You were in a coma, just like the boy."

"What?" Eliza says frowning.

"Usually the sticks that get stung are screaming their heads off but you just remained still, until now."


"Did you remember anything that can help?" Harriet asks and Eliza looks at the ground thinking for a moment.

"Actually-" Eliza suddenly winces and presses her temples feeling the pounding headache in her skull. It was a lot of information to process.

"It's okay, Liz." Sonya says softly. "Take it easy for now, you can tell us later." She says and helps her lie back on her bed.

As they are leaving, Rachel attempts to go in but Harriet blocks her way. "Eliza needs to rest stick."

"But-" Rachel says but gets interrupted by Sonya.

"Don't worry, she's okay. You'll be able to talk to her tomorrow."

"Alright." Rachel says in defeat and leaves making her way towards the kitchen and sitting at one of the tables.

I wonder what Eliza saw? Maybe she'll be able to tell me more....

Sorry for the shorter chapter sticks 😉 I hope you like the story so far.

Don't forget to vote and comment^^

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