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In the middle of the night the boy speaks again. Rach? Are you awake?

"Who are you and what do you want?" She mutters still asleep.

I really need your help. He says.

"Alright." Rachel says and gets up rubbing her eyes. Then she starts making her way towards the medical room.

"I'm here." She says yawning but there is no response. She walks closer to the boy and pokes his arm.

Don't do that Rach. He says and she feels how annoyed he is.

"So why did you want me to come?"

Can you try saying it in your mind?

Rachel concentrates and tries but nothing happens. What am I even doing? Rachel thinks to herself. "This is crazy, I hope this is all a dream." She says as she walks away.

The next morning Rachel wakes up with a headache.

"Rach?" Eliza says shaking her shoulder. "It's time to wake up." She says softly.

"My head hurts." She says complaining.

"How does it feel, as in what symptoms do you have?"

"Just a pounding headache."

"Alright Rach, I'll go get you some water and something to eat." Eliza says and Rachel nods.

"What's wrong with the fishy?" Sonya asks.

"She has a really bad headache."

"Then she should get some rest until she feels better, I'll go tell Harriet."

"Fancy that." Eliza says and she brings the glass of water to Rachel.

After drinking the water, Rachel immediately fell back to sleep, leaving a worried Eliza near her.

With a sigh, Eliza gets up and goes check on the boy. As she gets closer to him, she hears him muttering something.

Most of it doesn't really make sense but one word gets her attention. The boy just muttered...



As Eliza walks around the stade helping other girls, one of the mappers comes running towards her.

"It's an emergency." She says panting. "Miyoko hurt her leg pretty bad and I need help to bring her in."

"Alright." Eliza says, "I'll get my things ready and we can head over there."

After getting approval from Harriet, Sammy and Eliza go to the maze to check on Miyoko and bring her back.

The wound wasn't that bad but it would definitely take time to heal and it was better not to move her much for now. Two girls help Miyoko get back to the stade, while Eliza takes care of everything else.

As Eliza picks up their stuff she sees a familiar person in the maze.

"Rach? What's wrong?" Eliza asks noticing how the girl is holding her head.

"Tell him to STOP!" Rachel says.

"Tell who?"

"The boy" she says and she crouches down.

Eliza looks up and notices that they don't have much time left.

"Rach look at me, take a deep breath" Eliza says walking up to her and holding Rachel's hand.

"tell him to get out of my head!"

"I will, but we need to get out of here and go back to the stade." Eliza says calmly but Rachel doesn't respond. "Rachel! We need to go now!" Eliza says pulling her hand.

The dazzled girl runs with her but as they turn around the corner to where the stade is visible, the walls start to close.

"I'm so sorry." Rachel says falling on her knees.

"It's fine, we'll be okay." Eliza says. "We just need to find a place to hide." She says looking around. She places the supplies under the Ivy near the entrance of the stade...


"Where's Eliza?" Sonya asks noticing her absence.

"Huh?" Sammy says looking behind them. "She was right behind us."

"Sonya!" A girl says hurrying towards her. "The fishy is gone and I can't find her anywhere."

"What?" Sonya says and looks in the direction of the maze. "Don't tell me....." She says as she hurries towards the door, but they start closing.

"What are we going to do?" The girl asks.

"There's nothing we can now. Let's just hope they make it back safe."

"It's going to be a long night." Harriet says letting out a heavy sigh. "The new stick is in a lot of trouble if she survives."

"I knew there was something about her." Beth says frowning and shaking her head.

"We'll wait until tomorrow to see what happens, it's out of our hands." Harriet says and the girls nod. "Go get some rest, we are going to need all the energy we can get."

The Other Maze (Group B)Where stories live. Discover now