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Taking the girl's hand Eliza looks at her and gives her a firm shake making her smirk in response. The girl steps to the side, and for the first time, Eliza gets a better look at the group's of girls, noticing their distinct features and different ages.

The girls step away from the box clearing a path for her and Eliza takes a few steps, looking back to see the box that she stepped out off, noticing other things that had come together with her.

By now some girls had gone into the box and had started to get the supplies out.

Glad to be out of the box, Eliza takes in a deep breath and slowly takes in her surroundings.

"Admiring the view huh? It's not much, but it's all we got." The girl with reddish blonde hair says.

Eliza nods acknowledging the girl and looking up at the tall, ivy covered walls. They were still surrounded by four walls, a bigger box in comparison to her previous metal box. Just what exactly is this place?

"Hey!" The girl says shouting at another girl. "Miyoko, come here." The pretty Japanese girl smiles and rushes to her side. "This stick here is going to be your guide for the day."

"Fancy that Sonya." Miyoko says with a smile. "Follow me fishy."

Sonya goes back to Harriet while Eliza and Miyoko start heading towards some sort of house.

"This is the place where we sleep." Miyoko says smiling. "We call it the condo, and when we finish with the tour we will find a bed for you. I brought you here first because everything else is easier to find from here."

"I see." Eliza says examining the structure of the condo. The structure is simple and it looks like a house made of wood. As they head inside, Eliza  can't help but admire the condo. Miyoko stops and places her hands on her hips. "Since there's a lot of us, space might be a little limited, but you'll get used to it soon."

Eliza curiously takes a look at all the sleeping bags placed on the ground.

"You'll have plenty of time to become familiar with it. Now let's move on." Miyoko says signaling Eliza to follow her. "Next to the condo we have the medic room, we go there whenever we get hurt, don't feel well, or other things. It's pretty close in case of an emergency." The room is a little small, and has several beds and a nightstand with a lamp, along with cabinets on the walls.

"As you can see, the box where you came from is located in the middle, so from here you can pretty much see everything, you'll get used to it in no time. Oh! And also the box comes up once a week with fresh supplies and once a month a new girl arrives."

Eliza nods and looks at the busy girls who are working hard.

Miyoko looks up and and grabs Eliza's arm. "This is my favorite part of the tour." She says pointing at the walls, leaving Eliza confused.

They stand by the box again and sit in the ground. "Soon the walls are going to close."

How can those walls possibly move? They are huge. Eliza wonders examining the structure of the walls. She might not remember much but that doesn't sound possible. However, it was better to think that they would close, that gave her a feeling of security. "How can they move? They look huge, heavy and ancient" Eliza asks.

"We're not exactly sure, but it happens everyday. Every morning the doors open and every night the doors close."

The ground begins to shake and Eliza looks at the wall. They actually do move? I thought it was a joke since I'm new here.

Eliza watches in amazement as the doors slowly close, sealing tight. Once the doors closed completely, Eliza was left with the feeling of the vibration in her body.

"Pretty cool huh?" Miyoko says standing up and motioning for Eliza to do the same.

At the end of the day, Eliza and Miyoko make their way back towards the kitchen to get some food. Miyoko joins some girls while Eliza sits at another table and watches them closely. They actually seem happy. Maybe this won't be so bad.

"How's your first day going fishy?" Sonya asks sitting next to Eliza and startling her a little.

"It's good?" Eliza says but it comes out as more of a question.

"Don't worry fishy, you'll get used to it in no time." She says with a smile. "Names Sonya by the way."

"Eliza." She says smiling a bit too.

"Well Eliza, you better get some rest. Tomorrow your training will begin." With that both girls eat in silence until they finish and head back to the condo.

Once Eliza finds her bed, she lays there hearing as the other girls sleep. Something that Sonya said bothered her. You'll get used to it in no time. Did that means that they were stuck here forever?

Turning to her side, Eliza closes her eyes and slowly drifts off to sleep.

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