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Miyoko quickly gets the needed supplies from the condo and takes them to the map room.

Once everything is settled, she calls the mappers and they gather inside. "You know the drill sticks, we'll be staying here. For the time being Harriet wants us to review the maps and look for anything that we've missed, alright?"

"Fancy that." The girls say in unison.

"Has anyone seen Rachel?" Miyoko asks placing her hands in her hips.

"The new stick?" One of them asks.

"She is still outside." Aimee says.

Letting out a sigh Miyoko presses her temples. "Alright, I'll go get her. Make sure we have everything we need and let me know if we are missing anything."

With that she closes the door and watches the almost empty stade, the grey sky hovering over them like a big cloud of despair. When she spots Harriet  and Sonya she jogs over to them.

"Everything's good with the Mappers." She says.

"Fancy that." Sonya says.

"Where's Harriet?"

"Arguing with the new stick." Sonya says looking over to them.

"Why does he have to stay in the slammer?" Rachel asks crossing her arms.

"Fine, you want to know why? I'll tell you." Harriet says crossing her arms. "The stick is safer there, not only from the grievers but also from the sticks that want to hurt him, and after what he's done he will be in more danger."

"But still-"

"That's it stick, no more arguing." Harriet says in a stern voice and starts walking away.

Rachel is about to follow when Eliza pulls her arm.

Stop it Rachel. It's no use and we really don't have time for this. We need to go.

Rachel turns to look at her surprised. How did you do that?

I have no idea. Eliza says frowning. But you need to go, Miyoko is waiting for you.

"Fine" Rachel says out loud.

We can always keep in touch like this okay?

Fancy that. We'll talk in a bit.

Rachel hurriedly walks towards Miyoko, who has her arms crossed and is tapping her foot. "About time stick."

"Sorry." Rachel says looking down.

Once they reach the map room, Miyoko locks the door and with the help of the other girls they cover the door.

"From now on we remain as quiet as possible, if you have something to say write it down. All lights will be out except for our individual flashlights." Miyoko says and the girls start working.

"New stick," Miyoko says, "I need you to mark the spot on the maps so we can go check it out first thing tomorrow alright?"

"Fancy that." Rachel says grabbing a paper and the priced of the map that they need.

Once she is done she hands it to Miyoko and she examines it closely with a satisfied nod.

As the mappers take a short break, the first griever moan appears followed by the sound of the metallic legs piercing the rocky ground.

The girls avert their gazes to the door and huddle closer together linking arms and holding each other's hands for reassurance. Then they turn off their flashlights.

Even the sound of their breaths seemed to echo in the small room.

What was that Rach? Aris asks alarmed.

That is a griever, so just stay quiet and stay away from the door Aris. Rachel says and Aris remains quiet but she can still feel him there.

Next to her, Rachel can make out the shadow of one of the girls nervously gripping her flashlight, she is about to reach out for her when a tapping on the outside makes them jump.

The girl accidentally turns the flashlight on illuminating the maps.

Miyoko is the first one to react and quickly takes the flashlight and turns it off, but Rachel stares at the maps in confusion.

Thats weird. Rachel thinks to herself. For a second I thought I saw.......could it be?

Hi again sticks! Thanks for reading and voting! Another chapter is coming soon!

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