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Rachel and Eliza run towards Aris and help him up.

"We need to go." Eliza says.

"Huh?" Aris says in response.

"Just follow us." Rachel says and they run across the stade to get to Harriet and Sonya.

When Harriet spots them she signals to hurry up and closes the door as soon as they step into the room.

Harriet tells them to sit down and crosses her arms. "Alright sticks, explain. I know you have something to do with this."

Aris looks up surprised and takes in a deep breath. "Well, while I was in the coma, I had several memories floating around," he says pausing and when there are no interruptions he continues, "most of it is gone by now but I remember that they sent me here as a trigger."

"A trigger?" Sonya asks and Aris nods. "What does that mean?"

"I'm not entirely sure to be honest," Aris says slouching his shoulders, "but I'm pretty sure that's why this is happening."

"Okay," Harriet says, "so what exactly is the trigger for?"

"I think whoever put us here thinks that it's about time that we escape." Rachel says.

"But we've been looking for years and we haven't found an exit." Sonya says.

"There might be something but we are not sure." Rachel says and looks at Eliza.

"That's true," Eliza says deep in thought, "with everything that's happened I completely forgot about it. It might be nothing, but the night that we stayed out in the maze we found something interesting..."

"Define interesting." Harriet says.

"Something that doesn't quite make sense." Rachel says.

"Alright." Harriet says. "It might be nothing but since they are forcing our hand, I think it's worth checking it out. Just in case." Harriet says and looks at Sonya.

"Just in case." Sonya says with a nod.

"We'll get Miyoko and Rachel to check it out, meanwhile-"

A commotion can be heard outside and as the group quiets down they hear alarmed voices.

Sonya and Harriet exchange a look and Sonya starts heading for the door to check what's going on.

As they wait in silence, Harriet suddenly stands up and heads for the door too.

"Stay here." Harriet says. "I'll check out what's going on." And with that she disappears.

The curious trio peek outside to try to catch a glimpse of whatever is going on but they get nothing. When they hear Harriet approaching they hurry back to their places.

"Alright we need to move and fast." Harriet says looking at Aris. "Sorry stick but I think the slammer is the safest place for you right now."

"What?" Aris and Rachel say at the same time.

"Why?" Rachel asks.

"I'll explain later, for now he needs to be in the slammer." Harriet says handing the keys to Miyoko, who takes one of Aris arms and pulls him with her.

Rachel is about to follow but Eliza stops her. "It's no use Rach, Harriet knows what she is doing. Now come on, we need to figure out what's going on."

Both girls head outside and see all the girls gathered together.

"Alright sticks listen up!" Harriet says placing her hands on her hips. "The walls should have closed by now but they haven't, which means that they will not be closing, which means that the grievers can come in any second. I'll assign everyone tasks so get to it, the sooner we get it done the better."

They girls nod and start getting in smaller groups. Some girls gather wood to build a barricade while others work on cutting ivy from the walls to set up a trap on all the entrances keeping everyone busy.

The leaders of each group gather to form a better plan. "Alright, I don't think the condo is the safest place, so I say we divide into small groups and spread across the Stade." Harriet says. "Does anyone object?"

The girls shake their heads and she continues, "gather everything that could be a weapon and grab all the supplies we might need, we will signal each other make sure that we are okay, now spread out and get to work."

As the girl leave Harriet stops Miyoko. "You know you'll be staying in the Map room, I'll leave the new stick Rachel with you so you can look at the map, maybe she notices something we haven't."

"Fancy that, after all, I don't think we'll be able to get much sleep."

Dun dun dun..............

I don't really know what to say sticks, hope that the story hasn't disappointed you yet, if you have any comments please let me know and don't forget to vote. Thanks for reading!

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