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1 month later

By now, Eliza had pretty much adjusted to her new environment. Some girls called the stade their home, but Eliza couldn't bring herself to do it.

Somewhere else she knew she had had a home and a family, and she desperately wanted to escape the maze and find out why they were placed in the Stade.

As Eliza helps out the Meds, a booming, ringing alarm sounds through the stade. The girls stop what they are doing and head towards the box to receive the new girl.

This was the first time that Eliza got to see an arrival, so carefully placing the medical supplies, she followed them.

"Are you ready Liza?" Sonya asks. "You will be giving the tour to the new girl today."

"Fancy that." Eliza says with a smile and follows Sonya.

The path opens for both of them and they make it to the front of the box.

"Alright." Harriet says putting her hands on her hips. "Let's open up the box."

Beth and another girl, open the box with a grunt, revealing the new girl who is currently crouched down in a corner.

"You're up Liza." Sonya says giving a high five and Eliza jumps into the box, startling the girl.

Eliza crouches down to the girl's level and offers her hand.

"Sorry to startle you fishy." Eliza says offering a smile and the new girl slowly looks up at her revealing her dark skin and tightly curled hair.

"What's your name?" Eliza asks now that she has the girl's attention.

"R-Rachel." She says clearing her throat and sitting up a little straighter.

"Well, Rachel, I'm Eliza. Before we move on, let's get you out of here." Eliza says standing up and offering Rachel her hand.

Rachel takes her hand and stands up. The girls help Rachel up followed by Eliza.

As Eliza steps out of the box she notices that Beth is staring at Rachel, and she doesn't look pleased.

"What's up Beth?" Eliza asks trying to break the tension.

"I feel like I've seen her before." Beth says still looking at her.

Eliza didn't want to say anything but the new girl also seemed familiar.

"Maybe we'll find out later." Eliza says. "I'll get going, it's my turn to show the new fishy around."

"Fancy that." Beth says.

With that, Beth seemed to move on and get going with her own work.

"So Rachel, welcome to the stade." Eliza says as Rachel looks around. Before Eliza can say anything, Rachel starts asking questions.

"Where are we? What is this place? How many girls live here?....." Before she can continue Eliza stops her. 

"Listen fishy," Eliza says remembering her own arrival. "I know you have a lot of questions, but listen to me first, I'll tell you everything we know so far. Fancy that?" Eliza asks and Rachel nods a little confused by Eliza's last statement.

"Um-yeah, okay." Rachel says and they continue with the tour.


As they come back to the condo Eliza stops and signals that Rachel may now asks questions. The girl responds by bombarding Eliza with questions, which she answers to the best of her ability.

At the end of the tour, Eliza finds a bed for Rachel and places it next to hers. "This is where you will be sleeping. I'm right next to you if you need anything."

Late at night, Eliza feels someone shaking her shoulder. "Liza?" The familiar voice asks.

Eliza turns over and looks at Rachel. "Yes Rach?" She asks surprised as the name naturally comes out.

"Who do you think put us here?"

"I'm not sure." Eliza says. "But I'm pretty sure we are meant to find out at some point. I don't think they would keep us here without a reason."

Rachel nods and lays on her back, she was about to say something else but Eliza stops her. "We'll talk tomorrow Rach, get some sleep, you'll need it for tomorrow."

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