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Murmurs fill the air as Rachel and Miyoko step into the stade. Both of them look at each other an shrug continuing on their way.

After a few minutes, Miyoko approaches a group of girls followed by a curious Rachel.

"Hey," Miyoko says to one of the girls, "what's going on? What did we miss?"

"The boy woke up." The girl says and both their eyes widen.

He's awake now? Rachel thinks to herself and excitedly tries to contact him, walking away from the group.

Aris? Rachel says. They say you are awake? She says hesitantly, trying not to get her hopes up.

I am, but I don't know this people. Where are you?

Her pace quickens as she approaches the infirmary without her realizing it and her heart beat increases with excitement to finally meet the boy.

I'm here. She says stepping through the door and smiling at him. She sees his clenched hands and frowns walking closer to him grabbing his hands. It's okay, they won't hurt you as long as I'm here. She says giving him a determined look.

Thanks Rach. He says with a smile.

It's nice to see you're awake.

Their conversation is interrupted by Harriet clearing up her throat. Rachel turns her head to the side, and sees her leaning on the wall with her arms crossed.

"Alright," Harriet says uncrossing her arms, Rachel hadn't even noticed she was in the room until she spoke up, "I'll be waiting outside until he is ready to talk, I don't know what you two sticks are doing." She mutters something on her way out but Rachel couldn't hear what she said. 

Rachel and Aris look at each other and shrug.

So do you remember anything? Rachel asks and Aris lets out a sigh.

Not really, most of it is gone by now, I only remember talking to you but not what we talked about.

It's okay, we'll figure out a way to complete this and get out.

Aris nods and turns his attention to the other girl in the infirmary.

Who is that girl? Aris asks looking at the girl with medium long brown hair, chocolate brown eyes and freckles.

That is Eliza. Rachel says with a smile. She is my best friend here, and she's always looking after me.

So that's Eliza..... Aris thinks to himself frowning.

What's on your mind? Rachel asks.

Nothing, just curious. He says but he can tell that Rachel doesn't believe him. He gives one last glance at the girl before she turns around, and hands him another cup of water along with a plate with food.

"You'll feel better after you eat something." Eliza says with a smile.

"Um...thanks." Aris mutters, his voice sounding raspy.

"No problem." She says and turns to face Rachel. "Do you think he'll talk now?"

Rachel is about to ask Aris but he answers before she does. "I'll try my best but I don't know what you expect me to say."

"Fancy that." Eliza says and heads outside to get Harriet and Sonya.

Said girls enter and take a seat examining the boy.

"So stick, what can you tell us." Harriet asks.

"Um...stick?" Aris asks.

I'll explain everything later. Rachel says and he nods.

"Well.....I'm not exactly sure...."

"Speak up fishy, we don't have all day." Sonya says in a calm voice.

Should I trust them? Aris wonders rubbing his neck.

Harriet seems to notice the boys anxiousness and adds, "don't worry, no stick is going to try to hurt you again, they know better than to try."

Aris swallows hard and nods.

"We should give him some time to gather his thoughts." Eliza says and Harriet considers it for a moment.

"Alright, we'll talk tomorrow, and Rachel will be giving you the tour." She says and they leave Aris and Rachel.

I'm so confused.... Aris says.

Yeah, you'll get used to it after a while....

Aris is awake sticks!

Thanks for reading and don't forget to read and comment :)

Until next time

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