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Frustrated, Rachel heads back to the condos, looking at the grass as she walks. At least for now, most of the girls seemed to be keeping their distances, but the whispers still lingered in the air.

After the encounter with the boy, Rachel sits on her bed thinking about what he said.

What exactly did we do? And then he said something about the next phase, and something about a trigger.....

Rachel lets out a frustrated groan and runs her hands through her hair pulling it slightly.

As she looks up, she sees a figure standing in front of her.

"Let's go fishy, we're having another gathering." Beth says with her arms crossed.

Rachel nods and stands up again feeling tired.

The walk is quiet and full of tension, intensifying with each step.

Rachel is surprised to see Ximena sitting on a chair with her hands tied behind her back.

Will they do the same to me? She wonders as Ximena looks at her shorting daggers with her eyes.

"Alright, now that all of us are here, let's start." Harriet says and everyone takes their seat. "You know the drill, we'll let Ximena speak and tells us what happened." She says signaling Ximena.

"The boy is a spy." Ximena says and stays quiet.

"What makes you say that?" Sonya asks.

"Why else would they send a boy in a place full of girls? And he's the last arrival, doesn't that make you suspicious?" Ximena says raising an eyebrow.

"I agree with Ximena." Beth says from the corner.

"He's not even awake yet!" Rachel says.

"That's still not a reason to try to kill him Ximena." Harriet says and said girl looks down.

"I know, I don't know what took over me."

"What do you mean?" Sonya asks.

"I don't really know how to explain it, but it's as if my body moved on its own, I couldn't stop." She says and looks at the other girls. "I know it sounds crazy but-"

"Do you really think they can control us?" Sonya asks.

"We don't really know much about them, if we're being honest." Beth says. "Except for her." She says looking at Rachel.

Rachel balls her firsts and her muscles tense. "If you're so sure, why don't you tell us exactly what you know?" She says sending her a glare.

Beth's eyes widen and she looks at the other girls now that the attention is on her. "I saw what I saw, and I saw you with the Creators Rachel. That's all that should matter."

"What matters," Rachel says trying her best to stay calm, "is that the stupid creators still sent me here like the rest of you, without me knowing anything and without any memories."

"Alright sticks, stuff it." Harriet says standing between the girls. "Getting all worked up is not going to solve anything. We need to look for k more into this matter." She says and dismisses the girls, pressing her hands on her temples.

As Rachel is about to stand up Harriet stops her. "Not you stick. We need to talk."

Rachel takes in a deep breath and sits down again, glad that Beth is gone. She keeps accusing me but she can't even tell us any useful information. She thinks to herself letting out a huff.

"Rachel," Harriet starts, "are you sure it's the boy talk no to you?"

"Yes." Rachel says without hesitation.

"What did the boy say?"

"You believe me?" Rachel asks and Harriet shrugs.

"At this point, I'm willing to risk it if it means finding a way out."

"He said that he was sent as a trigger."

"A trigger?" Sonya asks.

"I'm guessing that whoever is watching us is also desperate for us to get out,mor at least for things to change."

"It makes sense." Harriet says rubbing her chin. "Do you think you can find out more?"

"I will try my best, I've been trying to contact him but he hasn't responded."

"Keep trying, anything he can tell us could be useful."

Can we really trust him? Rachel wants to say but somehow she knows they can.

"I'll let you know if anything happens." Rachel says and Harriet and Sonya exit the room.

Leaning her elbows on her legs and pressing her temples, Rachel tries again.

Aris? Are you there?

No response.

Can you tell me anything else that might help us?

She waits for a few minute and lets out a sigh. Am I even doing this right?

As she starts walking, she stops on her tracks.

It's a code Rachel. The Maze it's a code.

And just as he came he left, leaving her confused once again.

This chapter is dedicated to @twinkietoes_ to say thank you for reading :)

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