Something Called Love...(GirlxGirl)

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Real Quick I'm Kinda New To This So Chill If It Is Bad....Anywhore On To The Story


Wassuhh, my name is Shaun (Shawn) I live in L.A. and I'm a stud. I'm 17, black, I have pretty curly hair, that stops about 2 inches past my shoulders, with a small fade at the top. I'm tanish brown.I have braces a lip ring and two deep dimples.  I go to Piercton High school, been going there since I was 14. And since then I've been in one relationship for about a year, with this girl named Elise. We were going pretty good up until the last few months she was cheating on me with her ex...Its still a little touchy but yeah...But On To My Life....


Damn I swear I hate that damn alarm clock, I was one bleep away from tearing that mother fucker out the damn wall. I hit the off button and practically rolled my ass out of bed and dragged myself to my bathroom did my hygiene,brushed my teeth and pulled my hair into a messy bun. I threw on a black sports bra  and white polo boxers  while I searched for an outfit to wear in my walk in closet. I finally decided on a white/red/black plaid polo button down, some black true religion jeans sagged them a bit, and slipped on my Jordan Game 11's, I put on my red G-Shock watch, changed my lip ring to red and let my hair down so I can put on my White Chicago Bulls Snapback...I got my bookbag and hopped down the steps, I sped walked into the kitchen and as I opened the refrigerator door there was a note that read: won't be back for a few months...I love you Shaun be good on your first day back at school...See you when I'm back...~Ya Ma

I rolled my eyes at the piece of paper stuck to the door, mainly because since dad died she's been working her damn ass off like tf she's been working out forever at the time...She manages this singer or whateva but she is prolly on tour. I took my keys off the key holder and and jumped in my red Rolls Royce, and drove to school....Ugh I hate this place.

As I pulled out the front, I saw this girl looking like all types fine. Her skin was coco brown, shorty was thick, I couldn't quite see her eyes but she was on the phone and her smile was just as beautiful as she is. She wore some light blue shredded jeans and a white crop top that fell off her shoulders and stopped at her bellybotton, her hair was really curly and long...she stood out.she had on some white converse. I drove up to her slowly so I could talk to her.


Hey I'm Renaee and I'm 16 years old I'm, brownskin, long hair and Dominican...I just moved here from NC and I'm still new....I don't have any friends down here...Every dude just seems to holla at me and when I don't give them the time of day they dick get tied in a knot...Speaking of getting hit on this one dude pulled up to me..He was cute as hell he had dimples a lip ring and just damn he was cute.

I heard his voice it was kinda deep but not really...then I realized I was staring...

"Hey Ma, where you headed to hun?" he asked smiling showing his black and red braces and those deep ass dimples.

"To Piercton."

"Oh cool that's where I'm going you need a ride ?" he asked still smirking.

I smiled a little bit back and said "Nah, I don't jump in cars with random boys offering me a ride" And I continued walking, but I still heard the hum of the car behind me so I stopped and he started laughing.


"I'm not a boy hun." I was so damn surprised but then I looked at her harder, she did have softer features... damn I just went googly eyes for a girl?..she went on "So you want a ride? *pops tongue* or nahh?"

I thought for a second and agreed, damn she smealt good, and looked good...Those dimples gahh lawdd, damn Nae you need to chill...I never felt like this towards a girl before...

I'm done but hope you liked it comment vote and follow piece

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