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"shauuuunnn righ-right there...Ohhhh" Ranae arched her back allowing me to hit her spot..."Who's is it baby??" I whispered into her her ear.. "Ooooo daddy its yours! Fu"-"WAKE YO NASTY ASS UP!!"

Nyrah woke me out of my wet dream about my baby..For awhile I forgot I wasn't in my bed with my girlfriend next to me then I realized why the hell I was at Nyrahs house...

"You nasty!" she scrunched her face up at me and pushed me playfully... How'd she know about my dream thoo? "How am I nasty, nyrah?" I sat up in the bed rolling my eyes. "Nigga you were moaning in your sleep for 5 minutes!"My face got hot and I pulled the cover over my head..

"Nope getcha ass up we going to find that bitch...I know she cheated on you every time she does this you get mad but not like this, we going bitch hunting so get ya shit together! Cause you can't stay here tonight boo me and my bae gone be up all night doing somethings, if you know what I mean.." She smirked walking to the bathroom ... "And I'm the nasty one??? Fucking horny ass nigglet..." I finally managed to pull myself out of bed...I flew downstairs and saw Aries making some fucked up looking pancakes...

"Dayum boy yo cakes darker than you my nigga!" I teased him..Aries is dark skin tall and loves himself some Nyrah...They are perfect together but when its good it's great and when its bad its terrible...But I love them both.

"Aha you got jokes pimp...but what was up with you last night FAM??" honestly I didn't want to answer. "To soon bro..." I looked down but soon snapped out of my little daze...I went to the shower downstairs and got dressed nothing serious but something chill... I threw on some khaki pants and a black and blue Diamond Co. hoodie on under my jean jacket with a Magic Snapback, and slipped on a pair of jammas...

I headed out the door and went to my car and just sat there...No radio, no phone, no sounds, nobody else..Just me trapped in my thoughts...I've been nothing but good to this girl and that gets me no where...How could she fuck him.....Him...I wouldn't be able to say that nigga name even if I tried, it was stuck in my throat...And I couldn't cough it up..I'd rather choke and die...Shit it feels like I'm doing that anyway...It feels like someone took a laser beam and it fired straight at through and around my heart leaving a massive hole through my chest... It feels like cold icy air entering and leaving my body...And I hate it....It hurts.....Everything just hurts...Even to breath....

Get yourself together....Dammit...I forgot my weed box and I'll be dammed if I go without it this next week...I started my car and sped off... the roads were terrible but I didn't give a fuck I needed to get to the house before Nae gets home...I knew she had a doctors appointment and I was just trying to avoid seeing her...Damn there goes my thinking I hated thinking bout her like this..

I pushed my foot on the gas pedal harder..

I fucking hate her....and that bitch ass nigga Chase.........DAMMIT I said it....My heartbeat increased ten times and so was my car...What she putting me through is----


I was laying in bed crying my eyes out....I don't know why I did what I did but I needed love and Shaun wasn't giving it to me...

I was laying in bed crying my eyes out when I got the call...

"Ms. Ramirez?....I'm sorry to inform you that your girlfriend got into a fatal car crash and has passed...I'm sorry for your loss..." The phone fell...

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