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The Next Day..

I opened my eyes due to the sun light that had woke me up from a very pleasant sleep... I looked to see Anahi next to me... I smiled at her lightly watching her sleep is cute... It's like when I always watch Ranae sleep..

Holy shit...I think I can remember... I sat up at the excitement that came over me...I cringed and flinched because the smell of sex was so prevalent... And the headache I had was through the roof.. I placed my hands on top of my head and continued to try and remember things about my life before all this strange shit happened...

OK start from what you last remember...

The crash... Second, I was angry... At who thoo.... Think harder.............. The Storm... Ranae.....

I don't like Chase... Why..................

""KISS MY ASS RANAE YOU MISSED ME SO MUCH YOU LET A NIGGA STICK HIS DICK INSIDE OF YOU!!! HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN FUCKING THIS NIGGA!?! AND WHO THE HELL IS IT?!?"..... What happened after that... "Two months ago....I tried letting it go but you were never home.........Its Chase Baby I'm,Sor-"...

It All Came Back To Me....

Fury rushed through my body.... Again... but the faster my heart beat went my head ache got worse... A tear fell down my face and I refused to cry over this shit.... She's the reason for me being in the hospital... I could've lost my life... Cause of the anger she caused me...

"UGH!" my shriek woke a sleepy Anahi..."What's wrong baby.." I liked the way she said that... I instantly calmed down..."I remember everything now... I could've been dead because of Ranae... Shit isn't cool.." suddenly there was a knock on the door...

"Open uuuuuuhhhpp!"... His voice.... Anahi rolled her eyes and slipped my tee shirt on....its long on her since I'm so much taller than her....She stomped towards the door and opened it I heard as I pulled my boxers and my sports bra on and through my hair in a messy bun...

"What do you want Chase?" Anahi asked with irritation clearly in her voice..Chase hell no .. I sped walked towards the door with Anahi in front of me...I tried as hard as I could not to punch the nigga in his face..."I see you guys had fun last night..." he flicked Anahi on the hickie I proudly put on her neck yesterday...he continued..."So I brought Nae over to see that you aren't good for her; memory or no memory.."Ranae walked out behind him...She had tears in her eyes but I didn't care...This fuck nigga trying to prove shit to me?!...Nahh I think not...

Before I knew it...I swung and his knees instantly buckled...I swug again this time knowing what I did and why...

He fell.

"That's for messing with me and mine...Don't you ever come in contact with me or Anahi in your fucking life if you know what's good for you and Ranae ion give a fuck what you do with her cause I'm done...Nae get your shit out my house and go where ever you have to...I want you out take everything you bought...Which would be not leave!!" I kicked Chase with my foot out the door and slammed it shut....I quickly found the couch and sat with my face in my palms...The headache I had was to fucking real and that screaming I did, didn't help it at all...I soon felt Anahi pull my hands off my face...and placed two Advil and a cold bottle of water in the other..I popped the pain pill in my mouth and chugged the water down til I felt both pills hit the back of my throat...I picked up my legs and laid back on the couch...ugh...But Anahi sure knows how to make me feel better. She laid there on top of me through my legs.. She looked up at me and kissed my arm that was wrapped around her...She smirked causing me to smirk....She made me feel like....I can't even explain....Anahi gave me the love that I needed...She took her finger and made little circles on my belly and I smiled...She makes me happy...happier than I have been before I was with Ranae...And during...Maybe that's why I can make endless love to her and only fuck Ranae...dammie I guess I was just in lust with Ranae.... I don't have the energy or wherewithal to deal with it...I just want her to leave...And fuck Chase all day and night if she wants to...I felt my heartbeat gain speed and I guess Anahi heard it through my chest.."Calm down Chaun.... I'm here for you...I won't leave....Let me be help you...please...." She looked at me with begging eyes...

I nodded..

"Good now turn over on your belly babe..." She asked of me before she got up...I did as told...And she straddled my back and drug her soft petite hands down my back and she kissed the base of my neck...and trailed her kisses down my back...It felt so good concidering the way the pain from the crash was still excruciating... God this girl...Nae would never do this....After about ten minutes of straight rubbing me down she took of my shirt she was wearing and laid on top of my back while she wrapped her arms around my stomach... Shit...I could stay there forever...Her sweet voice interrupted my thoughts..."We should be something more than just a quick fuck ...I want you to be mine....and if that takes earning trust...I'll do that because I love you.." I took a chance to take in everything that shes telling me..."With time baby girl....I'm just hurt right now.."

And that's how we stayed cuddled up for the next hour till we got up to showers and got bummy all over again...we talked, laughed, played, and watched a whole season of the Walking Dead together...I hope she's my start of something new...

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