Are You Sure?

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8th Period

Soo its the last period and I've been eyeing the damn clock for the longest cause not only am I ready to go home, I'm ready to see Ranae as well...But when that bell rung I ran straight to AP English where Ranae was and waited for her teacher to dismiss her class...When she did came out I was so happy.....wait wait wait a second...Ima playa I need to calm tf down...But I grabbed her by her waist and led her to my car...I opened the door for her and she hopped in...

"So when are you gonna tell me somethings about you?" I said driving off from the school parking lot.

"Whenever you got time baby." She blushed alil bit hoping I didn't hear...But I'm an ass

"Baby!?..So you sweet talking me now hannn??"

"Noo I'm from NC we call everyone baby you aren't special Shaun..." She corrected me while that big ass beautiful smile was on her face...Not to much longer I pulled up to my house...I got out and opened the door for her like a gentlestud...

"Why are we at your house?" she looked confused

"Because I wanna know more about you...and I have time right now..." I answered, as I jiggled the key in the door and twisted the knob...We went in inside and I ran straight upstairs to get comfortable thinking that Ranae would follow on her own...


After Shaun showed me in I just stood there for a second taking in the beauty of her house...How could she take this for granted? But anyway Shaun took off upstairs, and not to long after her disappearance she popped her head around the corner and motioned me to come upstairs with her..I gladly accepted and hopped up the stairs... "I'm in here..." I heard her voice from the room on the right of the wall I opened the door and lawwwddd you gone have to save me cause this girl was was shirtless all she had on was a sports bra and some plaid pajama pants...She had a six pack and a tattoo of the word "Pride" on her chest... Jesus this girl was gone have me feeling some types of ways..."sit down hun" She motioned to the bed she was laying on...I slipped my shoes off and crawled on top of the bed...But I couldn't stop staring at her abs...

"Damn hun if you wanna touch em you can" she said eyeing me...I guess she caught me staring. I shook my head, but she insisted, she grabbed my hand and laid it on top of her hard ass tummy...But with her pulling on my arm I leaned over to much and fell on top of her...It was then when I couldn't keep my mind under control...As I was sitting myself up I straddled her lap...

"You MUST like what you see you all up on me.."she shot at me.."Nope strictly dickly hun..."

"Are you sure?"


"Then why yo ass on me hun?" She asked biting her lip... I took a while to answer her question and before I could...She kissed me...and unfortunately I kissed her back...I pulled away first...She apologized and I got up and ran home...Its not that I didn't want to kiss her...I'm just confused ....I'm not supposed to like girls...


Damn what did I do?....I can't believe I kissed her...I mean I thought about it before I did but I thought that she was kidding when she said she was straight I thought she was at least bi....Gosh maybe she is straight....I'll try talking to her tomorrow.... if she'll listen.... But god her lips were so damn soft....But she kissed me back...Damn this is frustrating.....


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