MaDukes [Short]

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.So today is the day I meet Shauns mom and she's coming around 9:30 am so we won't be going to school today...When I woke up this morning I felt like an alien gave birth in my pussy...Lawd I was sore from last night...I don't know what I was thinking when I went into her shower last night I guess I just wanted her to calm down...But now I physically feel worse...I had a headache that was out if this world and I couldnt exactly walk straight...I didn't wanna fuck Shaun I wanted to make love to her but fucking sure did feel good...

But I tried getting out of Shauns grip from around my waist...I don't know why she always holds me so tight at night its like she is scared Ima leave in the middle of the night...But it makes it hard to get up in the morning without waking her up, which is exactly what I ended up doing...she just looked at me and smiled she tried speaking but her voice was horse as shit which made me laugh til I realized that my voice was worse than hers...Daaaammmnn her momma gonna wanna know what happened...We both looked at each other one last time and bursted out in laughter...I soon got up after looking into my baby's eyes and mouthing the words 'I'm sorry' she nodded and I got in the shower...2 minutes later I feel a cold gush of wind on my back but then feel a warm body against it Shaun kissed my neck and then my shoulder before she took some soap and washed my back and I did the same to her til I found four hickies going down her neck...I whispered 'oh shit' and I told she had hickies on her neck...she quickly got out and looked in the mirror and I followed now noticing the scratch marks on her back and I looked down in embarrassment...I showed her the marks and she laughed and even harder when she sees my hickies...I guess we are both fucked when her mom comes..

*An Hour Later*

I got dressed in a white long sleeve crop top, which showed my bellyring, I put on some faded light blue jeans and some Air Jordan 10 Retros Blue and White...I straightened my hair and tried my best to cover up my hickies...I went downstairs to cook my baby something for once before she came down stairs...


I think its hilarious that we have so many passion marks but ehh I know how to cover them up...My back is the worst of everything...I'm super happy that my mom is coming home today but the only thing I think my mom will have an actual problem with us sleeping in the same room. But she'll get over it... Mother should be coming in 30 minutes so I got dressed, me and my bae decided to match...I wore an all white Versace button down, black jeans and white Louis Vuitton high tops, I put half my hair in a ponytail and let the bottom half hang...

I marched down stairs and saw something I only saw once before! MY LIL BUMPKIN WAS COOKING FOR HER PAPI !! Aha I think its cute...And she was looking mighty fine herself...I just looked at her in the kitchen standing behind the stove...She looked perfect. Like I wanna see this girl like this for the rest of my life....But She has to be mine first....I took one final look once I realized I was staring. I walked up behind her and held her, in all honesty this was my favorite place to be...I kissed her shoulder and greeted my love. "Good morning Baby...". She Turned around to face me, "Good Morning Shaun" she leaned in trying to kiss me, but I put my hand over her mouth "Uh nah not til you brush yo teeth.." I still haven't quite gotton over that kiss she gave ole dude...She mumbeled something under my hand so I moved it away..."You so damn childish!"She smiled and continued "Yes I brushed my teeth asshole..."....Once she said that I kissed my baby. Lord I loved kissing her, her lips were always so soft. Our lips moved in sync until I heard the door open....Nae pulled away and her eyes widened and I smiled.."Finish cooking baby" I pecked her lips and ran into the living room to hug my mommie. "MOMMMIEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!" I screamed til I gave her the biggest hug ever and spun her around...She started laughing "Shaun put me down, I'm ready to see this girl of yours..." she said in between laughs...I walked towards the kitchen while my mom walked behind me pulling my hair out my ponytail and rearranging it the way she wanted...That was my moms silent criticism that I knew to well...Once we got in the kitchen Ranae was still cooking but I could tell she was almost done... "Naee...This is my mother Wanda, mommies this is my bae Ranae...Ayeee that rhymes!" I said introducing the two my mom flashed a smile while Ranae blushed, she wiped her hands off in a dish towel and laid it neatly on the oven handlebar. She then aproched my mom and attempted to shake my moms hand..."Girl! If you don't give me a hug...". My mother insisted they hugged each other and my mom sat down at the dinning room table, I walked passed Ranae and told her to sit down and talk to mother while I make the plates...Ranae is very shy and my mother is very. ..not shy. So I was waiting for the convo to start while i was gone....The food was looking bomb, Nae nade , Waffles, Eggs, Sausage, Veggie Beacon, Grits, Biscuits and Chocolate Chip Pancakes...once everyone got their food we began to talk.. "So Ranae what made you make Waffles and Pancakes?" my mom asked...Though I knew exactly why..."because Shaun told me how much you love Waffles and Shaun doesn't really care fore Waffles So I made her favorite Pancakes..." I could tell Nae was nervous.... But the convocation went on...and got heavy..-.-

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