From Time

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Know We Were Going Through Some Shit, But Name A Couple That Isn't


"what's your problem yo?"I asked opening the door to where Ranae was. "Nothing...Where you going shaun?" She flicked an eyebrow at me."To the gas station...Why you acting like a bitch ?" Then she got pissed..."Why couldn't you go to the gas station when I was in the car, and who the hell you calling a bitch Shaun!?" I rolled my eyes and began "Ranae you kept complaining about how bad you wanted to fucking go home...And I didn't call you a bitch, but you sure are acting like one!". "Maybe because you got bitches telling you to come over and shit!" As soon as she said that I knew what she was talking about and it pissed me off that she would go through my phone. "What the hell are doing going through my shit!? That's my friend I can chill with her if that's what I fucking want!"I yelled while putting my keys in my pocket. "I didn't go through your phone your dumbass handed me the phone and it went off asshole, and you know you were going to her house to fuck just like at yo lil party so who's stopping you!?" I just realized she's never yelled at me like this before or ever for that matter...But her comebacks felt like a fucking fly in my ear.. "HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU I DIDNT FUCK HER?! I DIDNT BUT I SURE AS HELL WISH I DID! YOU ARE SO FUCKING INSECURE, YOU DONT KNOW WHEN SOMEONE IS HONSET WITH YOU!" I spat. "THEN GO FUCK HER!!"..I didn't think before I spoke..."REMEMBER THAT TOMMOROW WHEN SHE COMES TO SCHOOL WALKING FUNNY, KNOW IT WAS ME WHO FUCKED THE SHIT OUT OF HER!!" With that being said I ran downstairs and slammed the door on my way out...

Once I got in my car, I I just sat there... Thinking...Me and Nae aren't together but we fight like we been together for a lifetime...I don't get it...I needed someone to talk to and I can't go to Chase cause he doest give very good advice... I decided to go to Anahi's crib...Since she wanted me to come over anyway...

I turned the key in the ignition and heard the hum the car...I pulled off and went straight to Anahi's House...


I just got the shower when I heard a knock on my door...I wrapped my pink and blue towel around me and checked the peephole.... It was Shaun...she came earlier than I thought she would, but I opened the door..."He-"she cut off my greeting by smashing her lips against mine, she pushed me to the wall and pulled away but she just looked at me for a second before smirking and crashing against me once more...This is so confusing...Why is she doing this now...

She tucked her head in my neck and her hands were touching me everywhere...I didn't want her to stop, but I had to know what happened..."Shaun.....Shaun Stop." I put both my hands on her stomach signaling her to get off me...She just continued kissing my neck, which turns me on and making it harder for me to stop her..."Shaauuun....Stop..". ...."Whhhyy" she groaned pulling her head away. "Because something is wrong and fucking me isn't going to help the situation...". She got up walked over to my leather couch and plopped down, before putting her hands over her face. I readjusted my towel and sat on the couch with her and took one of her hands and held it..."What's wrong Papi?" I asked that was my nickname I now called her because she likes it so much..She smirked then remembered to answer my question.. "Ranae....and i don't want to talk about it..." she told me...Shit honestly I don't like Ranae but Shaun loves her so I respect her...But not enough to deny taking Shaun for my own tonight..

Shit...Don't blame me...Shaun is soooo fucking sexy...her voice, laugh, dimples, swag, everything....She's just a walking orgasm like frfr... Plus she was bae and she needed to be cheered up so I gave her what she came for...

I sat on Shaun's lap and kissed her down her jaw line and her neck, I noticed she had small hickies...Im guessing from ole girl...But now its time to make my mark literally... I sucked Shauns neck and slid my tongue over the spot, I heard Shaun sigh and I stopped I put my hands on either sides of her face and looked her in her eyes, I just got lost for a second and I felt something more than lust...I softly kissed Dhaun til she parted her lips and slightly touched my lip with her tongue asking for entrance, I granted and she slid her tongue in my mouth, our tongues fought a little until I bit her lip softly while slightly pulling it, she moaned a little bit...

I leaned back up and pulled her shirt off...I kissed her chest and dropped my towel...I guess Shaun got excited because she picked me up and took me to my room and laid me on my bed...She pulled her sweatpants off exposing her boxers that had Lego's on them...She's a 3 year old at heart..She came closer to the bed and put both her hands on both of my knees, and spread my legs..Everything about her turned me on, I bit my lip as to what was going to happen next...She kissed down my legs til she made her way to my inner thigh...Lawd I just wanted her tongue inside me but she took her time..I let my hands wander to my boobs, and Shaun let her hand travel to my boob as well...She kissed me on my thighs more and more til she came to my pussy which she blew on making me shiver considering the fact that i was wet from my shower and how she was making me feel..."St-top teasinggg.." I practically begged her...


When I went to Anahi's house I only wanted advice but the more I thought about Anahi the more sexually frustrated... She's my lil fuck buddy...but there was something different about us this time...I took my time with her. I wonder if this is what making Love feels like...

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