6 Months Later

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-Monday Morning-

So its been six months since Nae moved in with me and guess what we.. arent together... yet. We taking things slow...People at school knows that she's mine. But there are some guys and girls who be trying me...Within the six months that she's been here I have learned so much about her...I'm happy she finds it easy to open up to me..She still sleeps with me though I told her the room on the second floor was hers, I guess she likes being with me at night...My mom called me last week and told me she was on her way home but I just had to run over the fact that Nae was here she didn't have that much of a problem as I thought she would but I guess she feels bad she got kicked out. Ma Dukes don't like the fact that I'm falling for her...She don't really think that I should be in another relationship nor does she think that anyone is good enough for me...But my mom is coming home tomorrow and I'm so happy I think that Nae is a little nervous And i think its a Lil cute cause there's nothing to be nervous about...But she won't listen to me.

Today I woke with Nae rolled all the way on the right side of my bed I slid over a lil bit and grapped her by her waist so I could pull her to me. She groaned a lil bit and turned around...Nae hates waking up in the morning it usually takes me 15min just to get her out of bed...I chuckled a bit and went straight for my shower I did what I needed to and got out...which was about 20 mins later. And this girl was still sleeping..."Bae wake up!!!! My Momma Is Here!!". She wasn't but I said in hopes of her getting her sleepy ass up...Which she did...She got up and undressed while she was making her way to the bathroom to take a shower...She didn't even give me my annual morning kiss...Which is fine with me right now cause I love her but that breath be kicking in the morning....I giggled to myself and looked in the closet for something to wear...I finally decided on my Purple and Pink long sleeve button down shit with pink boxees, purple skinnies, and purple and pink Lebron 10's... I had my braces changed Saturday and this time they were pink...I put in my pink earrings and purple lip ring. I found my pink strapback and put it on whilst I let my freshly braided cornrolls hang ( Nae Did Them Last Night) I threw on my white nerd glasses and silver chains...

I ran down the stairs and walked in the kitchen and made breakfast for my baby...

Ranae takes so long to get dressed in the morning so by the time she got downstairs I made her Pancakes, Eggs, Sausage, Bacon and Toast...When I saw her walk in the kitchen I was setting her plate on the table..Bae was looking bomb...She had on high waisted jeans with a purple crop top, and purple heels...She had on a long cross necklace and her hair was in a high bun..."Damn bae you looking mighty sessy today....And you stole my colors.." I joked."I'm just trying to make a good impression on your mom...Hun" She said while she sat at the table. "Oh about that my mom isn't coming til tomorrow... I just told you to get out of the bed..."I came over to her and kissed her on her cheek..."You're an ass for that Shaun!!" she rose her voice....I've just noticed that she's never really yelled at me...before...humph........ anyway we talked for a while and hopped in my car and I drove us to school....



The bell rang for lunch and Chase, Shaun and I decided to go to Mr.Papa a little gourmet pizza place...Chase still makes me feel a little but nervous being around him but he has backed off a lil bit. But one thing I'm beyond nervous about is Shaun's mom....I don't know if she even wants me there or even likes me based of what Shaun has told her...I-

My thoughts were interrupted by the hug that I still haven't quite gotten used to, Shaun was hugging me from behind and wrapped her hands around my hips...no matter how many times she does that I think it will always send chills down my spine..I knew it was her cause she smelt like the colonge I bought her for her birthday...She kissed me lightly on my neck and asked me if I was ready...Her voice alone could turn me on but I have to keep my composure and not say anything...But the way she kisses me on my spots gets me started and she knows it but I don't think she was trying this time..

We left to go eat and sat down at a booth. "So bae how was school so far??" Shaun asked me..."My day is great...what about you baby?" I could feel Chase roll his eyes...I like showing that he can't have me cause I'm taken...Well not literally but hopefully soon...Shaun bit her lip and began to answer but then a waitress came over. "Hello. how may I help you?" she said more directed to Shaun than any of us..."Uhmm...Can I get some water and a veggie pizza.." Shaun said in her lower flirty voice..."So you're vegetarian huh? That's cute...You trying yo keep that nice body I hope.." she giggled and rubbed Shaun's stomach through her shirt. And Shaun didn't seem to have a problem with it, she all cheesing and shit...But they exchanged a few giggles and I coughed trying to catch attention of them...They turned their heads and the waitress bitch gave me the stank look...Bishh Wheet.."I would like a pepperoni pizza with a tall glass of stop touching my girlfriend...Thank you...what would you like Chase?" . I turned to him who saw my obvious irritation and ordered what he wanted...The girl gave me one last evil eyed whilst I smiled..."Dammmnnn so I'm your girlfriend now eh??" Shaun said excitedly. "Nope but you are mine and she can keep her hands off.."


I lied I just got bored I and wanted to post so here ya go tell me if its bad....

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