Party Time

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-Next Day-Friday

-8th Period-


So I havent talked to Ranae any today I even offered her a ride to school which she denied...I just want to talk to her...Once the bell rang I left and went to her class, when she came out her class she looked my way but turned her head...The avoiding me was irritating me...I walked up to her and she looked down...

"Nae...Let me take you home..." I said hoping she'd say yes...She didn't..."Naee you don't have a choice I want to talk to you about yesterday-" "I know that's why I don't want to go with you! I don't like you, you shouldn't have kissed me! We can be friends but nothing else! So can you please just leave me alone to myself..." She interrupted me, she rose her voice but wasn't yelling...I didn't think to much after that the only words I could manage out my mouth were "You got it." I sped up alil so that I was walking in front of her. I got in my car and drove straight home ...

Once I got home I dropped my backpack off at the floor of the stairs and hopped up the stairs two at the time...I jumped on top of my bed and laid back to replay what the shit just happened...I'm more upset that she didn't give me no damn room to rebuttle even if I could process my thoughts at the time...but its cool...Lemme get my boss mentality back...

I texted Chase and asked him if he wanted to throw a big ass party at my house.... The reply was hell yes...Chase and I both put pictures out on IG and tagging everyone in them and telling them to invite friends of their friends...Within two hours the whole school knew about the party...

After cleaning up my house a bit, putting up all the expensive shit, that could be broke or stolen away. I peeped at my phone and it was 6:30...Thirty minutes before the party began. So I hopped in the shower did my shit and hopped out...I threw on a sports bra and some gold and black Papi boxers, whilst I left my hair wet and curly..I like it that way...I thought well about my outfit before I put it on...I put on my DOPE™ black and gold sweater with my snapback to match, gold drop crotch skinnies,Jordan Gold Metal 12's, three solid gold chains, yellow diamond earrings, a black lip ring, my gold and black pinky ring, topped all of with black Ray Bans and my solid gold Rolex...Talk About Fresh To Death...

An Hour Later...

Every fucking body is at my house, dancing on each other, singing/rapping, taking selfies ect....Turn uhh dammie there were so many bad ass bitchs there whew! But there was this one girl

who was in an all red dress that had cuts on the side that stopped mid thigh, she had on some Louis Vuitton Heels...Ole girl was making me sweat, she had big brown eyes, nice thick lips, lightskin, and an ass like DAYUUMM...she had on this little rubber band rainbow bracelet that said pride and that was my cue...I walked up to her and handed her a drink...She thanked me and asked me for my name...

"My name is Shaun..what about yours..?" I asked returning the question..."Cute, I wouldn't have guessed it...I'm Anahi (A-NAH-He)"She answered.."Beautiful??...You're name fits you wonderfully.." Anahi means beautiful...I've been working on my Spanish nowadays.."You speak Spanish? " She looked surprised.."A little bit...I'm working on it so if I get a amiguita.." I replied slightly biting my lip...


I thought about how I acted towards Shaun today and I felt all asshole I decided to call her...











"What it do Bruh you've reached Shaun..You're listening to my voicemail one of two reasons: One Cause I Didn't Want To Answer, And Two because I missed it but leave why the fuck you called my niggaa pieceeeee"

And she didn't fucking answer...I should go over her house... I know she's having a party tonight cause its all over IG and twitter that and because I live two houses away from this girl..So I got dressed in my Black and White form fitting dressed that stopped a Lil above mid thigh territory... and my white red bottoms...I put my hair in a nice cute bun and went over...

The door was unlocked so I walked in there were niggas dammmmn...I scanned the room for Shaun and I saw her talking to some girl...biting her lip and all and ole girl was touching all on Shaun's shirt...I got irritated at the sight of it so I got something to drink and sat down unfortunately I could still see them flirting but for some reason no matter how much its killing me to see it I can't stop looking in their direction...Its as if I want to pain myself with seeing Shaun with another girl.................wait why I sound like I'm being chaeted on...Shiid....buh soon after I finished my drink some cute ass stud walked up to me and asked me to dance...I agreed knowing what I was about to do...The stud was cute but not cuter than Shaun.... I took the girls hand and led her to where we would dance and I walked right in front of Shaun so she would know I was there...And sure enough she was looking dead at me and this girl dancing then one of my favorite songs came on...Ayye Ladies....Lawddd when I tell you I was getting it on this girl I was looking at Shaun the whole time who managed to roll her eyes a couple if times before dance for me came on...-,-


I like how this broad tried to make me jealous...well it did but not once Dance For Me came on.. Anahi pushed me to the wall, and ran her hands in my shirt feeling my abs, we were chest to chest so her lips were near my ears and she was slightly singing...Damn this girl is sexy as fuck...she turned around and grinded on me all slow like and every once in a while a cute moan would slip her lips...Damn Damn Damn this girl turned me on so bad...But sadly the song ended and the song Drunk In Love came on...But the sexual tention was thick between me and Anahi...She turned to face me and traced her fingers down my pants...I have self control so I let her do it...she leaned in close to me and kissed my neck...which made me bite my lip...she was practically massaging my neck with her lips and slightly brushed it with her tougue I wrapped my hands around her waist and grabbed her ass..She pulled away slowly.Knowing that she just gave me this big ass hickey."Daayuum what was all that for?" I asked..."I saw how that girl was trying to make you jelly so..I helped you out..." She said smirking...I had forgot all about Nae for that moment"Damn...Thank you for helping but you've made me horny now..." I laughed alil...I have no problem with stating how I feel..."Me too" She replied sexily....

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