2 Years Later...

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So me and Ranae have been together steady for about two years straight...With no make up break up type shit...We've been through a lot...

I found out that Chase was chasing after my baby...Let's just say I shut that ass down quick...I'm 20 now and I'm taking online collage classes...And I own a strip club called Heat, Nae dont like but shit it pay the bills...Nae also has a job shes a tattoo artist downtown...Bae could draw...Secret talent if hers, shes even tattooed me before...But she works all the time...But I support her so ehh...

Today I wasnt working and I'll be dammed if I work online today...Bae said she would take today off so we could spend time together and its awesome because today happens to be her birthday and I want to get her something or do something for her...So thats what I was going to do...

I was already dressed when I woke Nae up...She tossed and turned a bit before she actually got up and walked her lazy ass to the bathroom...I skipped down the steps and made me a glass of some Kool-Aid...Nae made it and it was bomb...She only makes it for me tho considering the fact that she doesn't like how it tastes...Weird right...But I wiped the red mustache from my lips and watched my baby walk down the steps, for some reason every time I see that girl walks down those steps she makes my heart pound...Like I can hear it through my ears...But the way she looked today made me want to rip the clothes directly off of her partially wet body...

Her hair was in a high bun, she always managed to put make up on so brilliantly...But I'd rather get natural look to me she didn't need the extra. Her lipstick was a very vibrant red...She had on a super man crop top which exposed her all red belly ring she wore black short shorts that hugged her ass just right that complicated her thighs, and Fire Red 11's...My bae could dress...

"Hey baby.." She grabbed my face and kissed me, she still has to step up on her tippy toes to reach my face...She knows how to put a tingle in my stomach...She sat her heels back on the ground begore walking to the dinning table... "Good morning love, an the fuck you think you doing you better walk yo ass to that car outside.." I playfully shot at her while I started walking to the door to exit...Once we left I closed and locked the door afterwards...Nae waited outside the passenger side of the car...I taught her a while back that if it is up to me she'll never open a door for herself...or do anything that is my job to do for her...I opened the for her and hopped in on the other side...And took off..But I kept feeling Nae eyes on the side of my face and I couldn't stop smiling...Something about her still gets me going....


Shaun makes me feel like Queen I never felt like I was, she gave me everything and then some there's nothing I really needed for or wanted for, she was everything I've asked for in anyone and she gave me everything I needed to feel complete... for some reason the look on her face I can't stop staring at something about it.... after a while in the car I realize that I was staring longer than I anticipated... we came to an abrupt stop and I saw that we were at the park..I asked what we were doing here she says she had to pick up something from her cousin... which makes sense because her cousin owed her money and she works at the park so I guess we're running errands today...but I really hope she didn't forget my birthday...it was the second most important day of the year outside of my anniversary, and if she forgot it today would turn into a pretty bad day...

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