Food For Thought

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Everything was going well with Ms. Wanda.. She is very beautiful but looks nothing like Shaun...Shaun must look like her father. Ms. Wanda is about 5'4 with long cherry blonde hair... She dressed like a young woman but Shaun has told me how old she really was...She was mad cool til she started to question Shaun and I

"So, Ms. Ranae.... do you love Shaun?" My heart pounded at the sound of that question.."Yes ma'am very much..." I replied hesitantly. "So are you two dating ??" She quickly asked. "No ma'am but we are working on it..." My heart beat seemed to beat faster than it already has... "Then if you aren't with my daughter...yet I suppose...Then why are you giving my daughter hickies...unless they came from someone else?...." She asked as if she knew what happened last night...I immediately felt my heart sink in my stomach and I snapped my head towards Shaun who had an 'Ohhhh Shiiiittt' face..."Ma..." Shaun tried speaking to her mom but didn't want to hear it.."Ranae darling....I understand your situation that you are in right now and you van stay here forever of you have to, but Shaun has been through a lot and has had her heart broken. I don't want another remake of that, so a few rules to my house: You will not be sleeping with her, you can have the room beside her though, if you happen to be laying in the same bed, no one will be under the covers, or get two separate covers, there will be no skimppy dressing around Shaun, and Shaun you keep your shirt on, and lastly no touchy feely stuff...And hope I make myself clear." I nodded but Shaun didn't "But what if she's my girlfriend?" "Is she?" She rose an eyebrow. "No bu-" "Then we don't need to go over the 'if' factors....but this food is very delicious Ranae..." She flashed a fake smile before leaving to go in the studio downstairs...Shaun followed...I guess it could've gone worse...


I don't know what has gotten into my mother....I know she should be upset about the hickies...But all the rules was a little much. I followed her downstairs to try to talk to her...

"Yo ma! What was all that about....The hickie? or the fact that I actually like her and you're scared she might hurt me?" I was irritated with her because she didn't have to act like that..."'re to young for this Shaun...and if you want to kiss all on her make her your girlfriend but otherwise don't do it...Im trying to look out for your ass....She seems like a wonderful girl but I don't know her-" "Then get to know her Ma, look I love her okay ...Just give her sometime please...She's not a bad girl....She just needs a chance ...And you're going to give her one and you're going to apologize...Thats it." I got angrier with every word...So I went back upstairs. I got Ranae and went shopping...It cheers me up most of the time....

By the time we got to the mall I needed to pee pee...So I gave Nae my phone and told her to go to the Cafe and I'd be right there...


I waited in the food court for Shaun to come from the bathroom so I sat at one of the table next to the restroom area so it wouldn't be so hard for Shaun to find me....But what I couldn't stop thinking about was how Shauns mom didn't like me at all...I mean she doesn't even know me and she is already setting rules for me...Gahh...its a lot to think about...

My thoughts were interrupted by Shauns phone buzzing off in my hand...It was a message from


Hey Bae, We should chill tonight at my place Watch a movie or something...Plus I got you a lil sometin sometin Lml

The fuckkkk, I just put the phone down...Why she wanna chill with my baby at her house? And what she need to give her...I got mad just thinking about....Shaun double standard ass mad if I kiss somebody but she entertaining this hoe...I felt hands on either sides of my shoulders, and Shaun reaching for a kiss that I denied...She chuckled retrieved her phone and we continued our shopping spree...I feel pretty bad that I'm mad at Shaun but I still let her pay for my shit...

We left around 5:40 pm and I was beyond ready to go home...When we did arrive I went straight to the room Shauns mother told me to go.. I'm not trying to have any trouble to night...I heard Shauns shower come on and bits of flashbacks from last night ran through my head...I smirked then realized why I was mad at her...Minutes pass by and Shaun bursts in the room with a White Tee Shirt, Black Sweatpants, Nike Socks, With Slides on. Her hair was down and she smelt like colonge...Her keys were in her I guess she was on her way out to ole girls house..


Ranae has been acting like a bitch all fycking day and I know its not about my mom because it happened after that bull shit...I was on my way to the gas station because I needed to pick up some Rillos for my secret stash, but they way Nae was being got me irritated... I opened the door "What's your problem yo?"

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