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*Shaun POV*

We got to Naes house and went straight to her room...And her room was girly as shit like what the hell...It was pink and white, even her queen sized princess caped bed..Her room wasn't quite as big as mine but it was big...She sat in the middle of her bed crossing her legs. I sat down shortly after eyeballing her room...

"Like it or naw??" She asked, clearly trying to discard the seriousness between us. I laughed "Aha yeah...its just really.... pink..." "What you laughing for and of course I AM a girl..." she said in a matter of fact way."I'm laughing cause you are so damn country... and Ima girl too and you don't see my whole room decked out in pink.. now do you?"I shot back."Well, you're gay so you don't count". "Welp I'm glad you brought that up....So before I start...of course I'm gay...that's why I flirted with you so much because you're cute and I thought you were at least bisexual... I'm sorry for coming off so fast/hard...but I guess its weird for a gay girl to be coming on to you...But you can't tell me you're straight and then get mad when I'm doing me...its crazy...asl...but first and foremost you need to figure out what you like or who you like before you start liking me hun..."I said smoothly trying not to pressure her to bad....Then after a moment of silence she asked me in the sexiest voice she ever gave me, "Can I kiss you?"I was confused at first but I gave in.."Are you sure?"I asked reassuringly... Then she crawled towards me till she got so close to me I could feel her body heat...She grabbed my face behind my ear and pulled me in to her soft ass inviting lips...We kissed for about 3 mins straight before she asked me if I wanted to stay over which I happily agreed....I took my sweater off and my pants and got comfy under her covers ...she told me I had to keep quiet because. her parents were home tonight...So I turned on my left side and grabbed her waist close to me she whispered to me that she thinks she likes girls now, I just chuckled and I held her til I drifted off........

Which didn't last so long because I was woke by the yelling and screaming of Ranae and a man that seemed to be her dad....When he saw me wake up he dragged me out of the bed and told me to leave...but Nae told me to stay...I got confused... "SO YOU'RE LESBIAN HUH...YOU DISGRACE BEFORE GOD!! HOW DARE YOU AS A WOMAN SLEEP IN THE BED WITH ANOTHER WOMAN?!"her father roared I looked at him speechless... "Daddy please stop...I like her daddy please don't make me leave!" She yelled trying to match her father but came no where close. "DONT YOU DARE STEP INTO THIS HOUSE UNTIL YOU GET RIGHT WITH GOD BUT UNTIL THEN GET YOUR ASS AND YOU LESBIAN LOVER OUT MY DAMN HOUSE!!" He finally finished...He left after spitting at me I got up to step up to him but he said "You wanna be a man, I'll beat your ass like a man.." And I knew he was serious so I just took Ranaes hand and walked back to my place....Thank god everybody had left by now but my house was trashed so I just kicked through the trash and showed Nae to a guest room and gave her a towel and a wash cloth so she could shower and KO if she wanted to...She went in the shower and I called up my Housekeeper Mariavto come over ASAP which she did....I dipped on Maria and Nae and took my shower and put on some fresh boxers and sports bra...I went over to my nightstand pulled a dresser out and took my not so secret stash of weed,swishers, grinder,ash bowl, lighter, and a DVD case whilst I hopped on my bed and watched Space Jam...I was rolling up in my lap when I saw the Oh-So-Sexy Ms Ranae...Her hair was mad curly and messy....and mostly wet like the rest of her body...She was in nothing but wrapped in the towel I gave her. "Do you have a tee I can wear just for tonight?" She sounded so pitiful...Yeah in my 2nd closet to the right, I pointed to it with my pinky finger while I was still rolling up this blunt. She shifted through some of my shirts and picked one, then right then and there she dropped her towel and put my tee shirt on...She turned around I could see her hard nipples through the shirt. "Can I sleep with you tonight?" . "Sure...I know you're having a tough night..come on" I patted the bed and she crawled on top...She laid down and snuggled right under my arm as I was rolling another blunt..."Aye girl watch out!"I teased.."I didn't know you smoke..why didnt you tell me?" she asked not really caring about the answer. "you never asked" I replyed back."Can I try?" "Some of my Lemon Hindu... I think Not..."I said..."She clucked her toungue and fell asleep next to me which I thought was cute cause I have a California King Sized Bed and she can sleep in my bed and not even come close to touching me...I Really Like This Girl...As Much As I Could In One Day...I Guess You Can Say I Have A New Roommate.

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