Wait For A Minute

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"Slow Dance In The Moonlight, I'm Just Tryna Set The Mood Right..."


I tapper my finger on the handle of the car while I waited for aun to come from getting whatever she had to from her cousin...She has been with her for about 45 minutes now and I was becoming anxious to see if my girlfriend forgot my birthday or not...I guess it wouldn't be hard for her to, she's always busy doing work or doing something for someone... But I just really hope she didn't...

About 15 minutes later her sexy ass comes into view...And she smirks at me through the car window....She gives me chills...But not you average chills, chills like how if feels to chew 5 Gum...She's the only one who ever knew how to make me tingle....But today her simple self just seemed to please me...aun usually goes over board with dressing but today she kept it normal...She wore an Army fatigue shirt, cargos, but you know Shaun for some reason she has to sag and her boxers were black, her black long Nike socks came from her concords....

"So where you wanna eat at baby??" Her voice interfered with my thoughts...Its been about and hour since we left and she still hasn't mentioned anything about my damn day....Wow....She asked once more after turning the key in the ignition but before driving off.

"Where ever you feel like going. shaun it doesn't really matter.." I lied. It did fucking matter to me...I wanted to go to this real fancy restaurant called 'La Cocina' I know exactly what I want and how I wanted it.

"Ight then McDonald's it is...You are getting a dollar burger cause you know you just need something to hold you cause we are going to my cousins house for a while..." She said griping the wheel peeking through the rear view mirror not to long before she pulled off..Ugh I hate the fact that she can't do shit without that damn cousin of hers...I mean I love her family but damn I would like to spend time with my girlfriend as well...

"The hell we haven't even left the damn park and you have to go to this girl house...Why we need to go there for ,shit? And I know how you and your family is y'all gon be there all damn night...nahh drop me off at the house cause you gots me fucked up baby.." I rolled my while Shaun giggled and drove off...And guess what...this nigga bitch really took me home -.-


Yo I just looveee how Nae thinks that I'm not doing anything for her birthday...I can so tell by the look on her face she looks so disappointed...But she asked me to drop her home so I did plus this makes it easier for me to do what I need to without her nagging...

Once I dropped her off by the crib, I turned up the radio and headed straight to my cousins house...I arrived there around 1:00 and left at 8:30....I meant to be gone that long because I needed Nae to get dressed and go to a special dinner..


So here I am laying on the couch waiting for my beloved girlfriend but she taking forever and I've realized a while ago that She's forgotten about my damn birthday...While I was laying down I decided to check my Instagram notifications, and all I see if happy birthday posts. Granted this did make me smile but the only one I wanted was from my girlfriend... I clicked my screen off just before the door swung opened and saw my baby...A slick badass suit my baby was wearing and her hair was half up and the other half fell just off her shoulders... Dayum bae was looking good maybe she didn't forget... I shot up and ran to her, I pushed off on my tippy toes trying to reach her lips...

"Awhs baby I knew you didn't forget!"She playfully planted a kiss on my forehead and began adjusting her buttons on her jacket.

"Forgot what? ...But baby put on something nice because my mom has a real big class reunion tonight and she wants us to come along" She simply said making her way to the bathroom to spray cologne on and stare at herself.

From nowhere my face felt hot and my heart started beating faster...This nigga really forgot about me.. But she can remember everybody else shit?? I walked over to Shaun and looked her dead in the eye..

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