Am I Bi?

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*Ranaee POV*

Damn I never thought I would be attracted to a girl but looord... On our ride to school i learned a lot about her .. I found out that she is filthy rich but she didn't brag like I thought she did, she lives in this big ass house that I would have never guessed was hers...I know that her mom was never home due to her working all the time with some celebrity...Shaun doesn't like it tho. Her ex fucked her over...She didn't go in detail I can tell it hurts her...I'm more closed minded to new people so I really didn't say much about me....Not to much longer after that we were at school, she showed me where to get my schedule and walked me to my first class...I kinda think it sucks that we don't have any classes together but ehhh I think I like her...wait woah what am I saying....I've never liked a girl before...I mean yeah I've called a girl cute before but liking one nah that's not how I get down but something was different about her I just can't put my finger on it...I walked into AP Chemistry and sat down as all eyes were on me, I sat in the back part of the class room and took out a notebook and a pencil and started doodling...


Shaun POV

Ranae seems pretty cool for someone I just met today... She thought I was a guy... it kinda peeved me off a lil bit but hey...If I dress like a guy I guess someone is gonna call me one right??...I dunno....Her voice was the sweetest thing I ever heard in my life....She really didn't tell me much about herself...she seemed shy so I told her something's about myself....I wasnt trying to impress her but you can tell I did....after a while she loosened up abit to me she was from NC, that's my lil country bumpkin lml ...But she's still beautiful there was something different about her....Something that made me want to talk to her everyday...But I walked her to class and took my ass to my class I went to World History... I was still in a daze about Ranae but I walked on in the class and sat down not realizing of I was sitting next to my BestFrann Chase he snapped his fingers in my face to catch my attention...

"Yo if you don't get them crusty ass shits out my damn face."I spat at Chase.

"Aha then yo ass needa come back to earth Fam." He managed to say in between chuckles..."What got yo so gone Bruh?"

"This girl son.."

"What's her name Nigga?" Chase nagged at me..

"Ranaee nigga that's her name....she is damn fine like gahhh I-" I got cut off by my teacher.

"Mrs. Marley would you like to share with the class what is so important it had to interrupt my teaching?" I swear this nigga just pissed me of and this is my first day here....But I responded

"Yes I would." I stood up and began to speak "So guess what y'all...Today I met this Fiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnneeeeeee ass bitch today and she got the cake and errthang son....Whew I'm glad I got that out...." I sat back down to hearing everybody laughing... This bitvh ass teacher really thought I wasn't gone say nothing he had me fucked up...shit....

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