Birthday Sex (Yasss Bewww)

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We grinding with passion (cause it's your birthday)

Been at it for hours (I know you thirsty)

You kiss me so sweetly (taste just like Hershey's)

Just tell me how you want your gift girl...


We left the date earlier than we wanted to because it started to thunder and I don't feel like eating out in the rain...

As always Shaun got out she walked over to my side to open the door...I got out and at that very moment it decided to rain hard as hell... For some reason she found this funny. But found Shaun sexy... In moments we were soaked.. But for me in more ways than on Shauns hair was drenched and the drops of water slid down her lips deliciously...

"Shut up! it isn't funny!"I pushed her before she slid her hand up through her hair to push it back...She giggled one last time and began to approach me. She held me by waist and tucked her head in my neck..Gahh the touch of Shaun gently bit my neck which caused my breathingoto hitch. Shaun was trying to turn me on and like hell it was working...But I know how to turn her on even more...I'll save it for a little later tho...

"Baee stawp...For-uhhu..." That last past kinda just slipped out and she didn't take it for granted...Not at all... She moved her arm more around my waist and squezzed me more onto her.. She lifted her head out my neck and kissed me... but not your regular type kiss...Like intimate... Like I'm about to send her off to war....Like I was the last piece of pussy on Earth.. But I damn sure did like it...I put my hand on her face and continued kissing her..

Gahh Shaun makes me sooooo friggin sexually frustrated... In between our lips moving in sync, "Paapii..." escaped my lips...Shit...I knew this would take Shaun to another level that I didn't want to go to tonight....We would end up fucking instead of making love once again...Shaun grabbed me by my soaking wet legs and kicked the door open...Note To Self: Get That Fixed Tomorrow...

Shaun tossed me up in the air a little bit to be able to get a better grip on my legs before she sprinted up the stairsl* into the bedroom...She threw me onto the bed and smiled a similar face the one I knew all to well. She bit down on her lower lip smirking a little bit... Shaun climbed on top of me and kissed down my jawline savagely... Yup we were going to fuck once again and I'm tired of it tho....

"Baby .....make love to me..." I guess it just kinda came out I didn't mean for it to thoo...


My body froze for a quick second arms just sat there...I love nae I really do but the in love thing I'm not so sure about... And I don't know how to make love I guess... Exempt from the time where I made love to Anahi.... Damn that was a while back... I wasn't sure if I chill could do this again... With Anahi it just kinda happened... Without thinking about it... Why... I don't really know....But I could try....

I started to kiss down from the back of her ear, while holding the opposite side of her face in my palm... I kissed her jaw line and left hickie on her chest... I could feel love stirring between us... That it's until her phone rang... She pushed me off of her and ran straight towards her phone... The fuck? She picked it up and walked to the bathroom before answering it....

She's done this before but tonight pissed me off more than anything... Because thou Alli me to make love to you then you ducking answer the phone and ducking talk in secret... I don't care who you talk to but you just gone throw me to the site like that, if that were me she's

she'd already be having a fucking cow...

But I'm working on my anger issues, no matter how much I wanted to fucking kick the door down... Whilst I waited I changed out of my wet clothes and put on some dry comfy shit..

She still wasnt out but I heard her laughing...

So I waited a while longer... After an hour I was livid as hell.. I could no longer hold in my anger... I walked over to the bathroom and swung oprn the door...

"The hell Ranae?! Who are you on the phone with and why you always feel the need to go to the bathroom to talk to them...?!" I couldn't help but yell because she fucking dry humped my last inkling of patience. "Baby calm down... it's nobody-" She tried saying but the deep ass voice in the other line begged to differ.. 'Nobody!? Im her fucking boyfriend!' As soon as ole dude said this she hung up real quick... But no words could describe how furious I was... But I had to keep my cool....

"Baby it isn't all that... He was play-"she said as an attempt to calm me down but I'm over that shit. "I don't really want to hear all that bullshit just get out my way so I can get my shit and leave."

But of course this just had to then into an arguement when all I wanted to do was leave...

Is she doing a good job of keeping her cool...Shaun cheating?

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