Friends How Many Of Us Have Them?!

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So I think its kinda cute how Nae gets jealous when I talk to other girls but then again I think that its irritating that she wants me all to herself but won't ever agree to be my girl.... So technically I can flirt with who I so please...Because I'm still single...After we ate lunch we went back to school gahh I love going home with her I just couldn't wait to see her after school...But I have to...Sad face!

*8th Period*

The bell rung and I was ready to go home, but Ranae decided to take forever coming from class so I stood outside and waited for her..Til a familiar face walked by...I couldn't forget a face like hers...It was Anahi and yass she looked good...She had on a short wife beater that showed her belly ring with blue faded jeans and Gammas..Her hair was long and straight...Lord this girl, was almost as gorgeous as Ranae...Her voice stopped me from my thoughts..."Hey Stranger..." ."Wassuhh love? Havent seen you around latelyy .." I replied...Which I haven't seen her at all. But I did look for her shortly after our endeavor...She smiled then began,"Ehh we just seem to miss each other I guess.. Ju know? " I smirked a lil but heard Ranaes heels click clack against the floor...She came out the classroom not really acknowledging Anahi, and kissed me slightly..Her kisses still sends pleasurable tingles down my spine...I guess once she pulled away she saw Anahi and realized she was the girl who gave me the very huge hickie on my neck...But surprisingly she was respectful.." must be Shauns friend.. I'm Ranae.."."Yes I am and I'm Anahi...But I'll see you to lovebirds later.."Anahi said while winking at me before she walked off...SEE this is why I find Anahi so attractive: One, she knows her place and doesn't step out of it. Two, she respects what I have with Ranae enough not to disclose anything about our "friendship" . Three, she just turns a nigga on....But once again my thoughts were interrupted. "What was that wink for??"Ranae began to question as we walked out the double doors and towards the parking lot. "It was nothing baby.." I tried reassuring her, I doubt if I did of not..But we kept walking to the car until we got in....


I know I get jealous a little...its just because I love her though and I don't want anyone to take my place... Though I'm not sure if I have a place yet... But while we were in her car I really wanted to go to the mall so we could chill before we finish off the rest of our school week. She agreed and not to long we pulled up...We walked in the front and like a kid in the candy store Shaun ran straight to the Lego's Store and started building stuff...I laughed to myself and walked into Spencer's... I'm just a lil bashful every time I walk in that store for some reason, I walked in with my head down and bumped into this really tall guy..When I looked up he looked soooooo familiar but I was confused of why I saw him here ....He was my ex boyfriend Semaj ...Damn he looked fine as hell...The only reason we broke up was because I was moving and I didnt want to have a long distance relationship..."Ranae? damnn girl you looking good bae." He stopped me from my thoughts.." "I guess what are you doing in LA?" I asked clearly confused..."Vacation with the fam"...we talked for about five minutes until we both got quiet and I stared him in the eyes and I suddenly felt the spark I felt when were together...After an additional two seconds I couldn't bare the silence anymore and all I remember us my lips crashing against my own...I totally forgot how much I missed his big lips on mine. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I felt normal again....We made out for about 2 minutes til I heard the all to familiar voice of Shaun...she called my name and I snapped away from Semaj..You know the feeling you get when you get in trouble at school and your teacher tells your mom and you don't wanna go home cause you knew it was the end of the world? That's what this felt like.. I could feel my heart drop a foot deep in my stomach..and the only thing I could say was her name.."Shaun...loo-" she cut me off "When you're done I'm waiting in the car..."She looked hurt...and I feel terrible...I glaced once at Semaj and walked away...I didn't get in the the car til I felt like Shaun calmed down...When I got in the car Shaun didn't even bother to look in my direction, she just started the car and drove off....Once we got home she went upstairs and marched in her room before slamming her door shut...Dammie I fucked up


short but a lil sometin sometin

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