Chapter 1

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Newt's POV

Cigarette smoke. Nicotine.

The air around me was now filled with fumes, a dull grey cloud gradually forming over my head.

Closing my eyes, I took a slow, deep inhale of smoke. I swirled it around my mouth, between my teeth and under my tongue, before finally releasing it in one relaxed puff. Immediately the stress that had previously built itself up inside of me dissolved, leaving me completely at ease.

I leant back against the old brick wall, keeping my eyes closed, trying my best to shut the world out.

* * *

I walked down the corridor, people swarming by, lost in their own private conversations, when I heard somebody nearby laugh. The unexpected sound rang through the corridor, going unnoticed by most as it was swallowed up in the sea of voices. Looking up, I saw an unrecognisable boy stood with a group of his friends. I could tell straight away that they were 'jocks', with their baseball jackets and branded sneakers.

His hair was a soft brown - styled perfectly. A lean figure, the tight t-shirt that he wore leaving little for the imagination. I could feel my face heating up when suddenly, my gaze was met with a pair of warm, brown eyes. Panicking for being caught, I slid my gaze to my own, old and battered sneakers, continuing to walk by.

* * *

"Hey, you alright, mate?" Minho asked me as we stood behind the bike sheds. Minho was my closest friend ever since I moved here. I had moved to LA a few years back with my mum after my dad left her. It was just me and her, but that didn't last long. Soon after moving, she had herself a fancy, rich boyfriend and one day I woke up and she was gone. If it wasn't for Minho, I don't who I would be now. Though, to be honest, I didn't really miss her; she was constantly drunk and if she wasn't shouting at me, she wouldn't even acknowledge me.

I took a long, slow drag on my cigarette, enjoying the bitter taste in my mouth.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I replied, annoyance evident in my voice.

"I was just asking, God! Something's got you riled up!" Minho laughed, taking a drag on his own cigarette.

I ignored him, my attention focused on the groups of people walking by. Everyone was busy doing their own things, minding their own business. I looked for the boy from earlier, but I couldn't find him. He was probably over by the field. Either that or he was stood somewhere inside.

I didn't even know why I was so bothered about him. He was a stupid 'jock', and I was the school's 'bad boy'. We both had our own reputations to keep, meaning that we couldn't hang-out even if we did become friends.

I already knew that . . . so why didn't I just drop it?

So this is the first chapter of a few :) I hope it was good!

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