Chapter 23

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This is dedicated to all of my readers! I love you all so much and I'm still so amazed and touched that you're actually reading this book! Thanks for the memories ;)

Also, sorry it's quite short. I had little inspiration for this as I'm not good with endings :/

3rd Person POV

"So . . . Anything that you might like to tell us?" Lydia asked with a smirk on her face. Thomas blushed, trying to work out what to tell them all, "We get it, you two are together. I don't mind, I'm just glad that you're happy, Tom." she gave him a genuine smile, before going back to her lunch.

The others all murmured in agreement, still surprised.

Thomas looked over to Scott, knowing that Scott was watching him. He sent him a questioning look to see what Scott's thoughts were on it and was surprised to receive in response.

"I'm happy for you, mate." he said, his voice full of honesty, "He's good for you. I see that now."

Thomas smiled, finally happy that he doesn't have to hide his feelings for Newt any longer. Maybe it would all work out in the end.

* * *

Newt looked at Thomas, who was sat on the couch besides him, and he couldn't help but realise how lucky he was. Yeah, maybe they'd been through a lot, and people had not agreed with their relationship, but they were still together. It's going to be hard, but that's a given; nothing in life comes easy.

Thomas felt Newt's stare on him and glanced up from the TV. Their eyes held a loving gaze as Newt leant down, his lips capturing Thomas' in a sweet, passionate kiss. Closing their eyes, their lips moved against each others, fitting together like two puzzle pieces.

Newt slid his tongue across Thomas' bottom lip, begging for dominance, and as Thomas finally fell reluctant, parting his lips ever so slightly, Newt slipped his tongue in. Thomas reached his hand up, fingers tugging at Newt's rugged, blonde hair. A small, hearty moan fell through Newt's lips at the contact, his body lusting for more as he pulled himself closer to Thomas.

Warm bodies pressed firmly against each other. The world didn't matter to them as they made-out, just them. The love that they shared for each other was enough. Maybe it was unknown territory for Newt, and a risky adventure for Thomas, but somehow they knew that it would be worth it.

"I can't help but love you," Newt mumbled against Thomas' soft lips, not breaking the kiss. "even though I try not to."

Thomas didn't answer, he simply pressed his lips more forcefully onto Newt's, grabbing Newt's shirt and pulling the older boy closer to him. His breath was speeding up, the soft sound filling the quiet room. He pulled his lips off of Newt's slowly, resting their sweaty foreheads together, eyes staring deep into each others'.

"I want you." Thomas whispered in a low, husky voice, quickly attaching his lips on Newt's again, pushing the boy down to the couch beneath them.

So . . . yeah . . . I had a slight mental breakdown writing this last chapter; I just have like, GIANT writers block and feel like this story has turned to utter rubbish :/ But I wrote it anyway (despite how awful it is) because I need to finish it. I apologise for late updates on all of my work but I do try, and I get so stressed when I don't write!

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed reading this story, my original idea was amazing, haha. It certainly didn't turn out as good!

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Love you guys x

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