Chapter 14

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Thomas' POV

"Hey, Thomas." Mariah cooed as she slid into the seat besides me. Scott glanced up from his seat opposite mine for a moment before going back to his lunch.

"Heyyy . . . Mariah?" I drawled, uncomfortable with the situation. "Did you want something?"

"I want you." she purred, trailing her fingers up my arm.

I shivered, but not like when I'm with Newt. This time it was different. I was disgusted.

"Huh, ummm . . . yeah . . . sorry Mariah but I'm no-"

I heard a chair crash to the floor by the doors of the canteen, immediately looking up to see Newt storming out through the swinging doors. A few others had noticed, all curious as to what had pissed him off. Scott rose his eyebrows, turning to look at me before glancing back at the spot where Newt had last been seen.

"There is something seriously wrong with him." he pressed, eying me up to see my reaction. However, to his disappointment, a simply shrugged his comment off, quickly shoving a slice of pizza in my mouth.

"I don't see how anybody could like him." Mariah commented, her body still pressed close to mine. I rolled my eyes, pushing my chair back and standing up, finally free of the slut.

"Yeah, well, I can't see how anybody would like you." I retorted, shoving my rubbish into the bin nearby and slinging my bag over one shoulder, before waltzing out of the canteen in the opposite direction as Newt.

* * *

Newt's POV

"Hey, Newt. Wanna meet up again tonight?" Nadia asked me, bringing her body closer to mine. She leant in to kiss me and I didn't push her away, instead, kissing her back. But I was only doing it because I was annoyed at Thomas for . . . well, I don't know what for . . . As she leant in to plant another hasty kiss on me, I subtly turned my head so that it landed on my cheek.

"Enough, Nadia." I sighed, my voice weaker than usual.

"Oh, c'mon Newt. Don't tease me!" her shrill voice pierced through my head, causing me to groan. Why do girls never seen to understand when to stop?

"That was one time, Nadia." I said, rolling my eyes.

"I think you'll find it was more than just once, baby." she purred, grinding her body softly against me.

I groaned, pushing her away from me.

"Seriously, Nadia. It was never serious between us!" I shouted, bringing a hand up to run my pounding forehead.

"Oh, really? Is that how it is now? You're just gonna shove me away like I'm nothing! Was I just a good fuck for you, huh, Newt? Was I!" she shouted.

"Did you really think you were anything more?" I snarled, a vicious laugh making it's way out of my mouth.

She screeched in annoyance as she stormed off, flicking her hair in the process. Huffing, I slid another cigarette out of the packet in my jacket pocket, carefully holding it with two fingers as I lit it. Taking a deep puff, I breathed the grey smoke out from my mouth, watching it swirl in front of me.

How could Thomas sit there, flirting with some girl when I was in the same room! Did I really not mean anything to him? I looked up to the clouds above, the pure white contrasting against the blue of the sky. Why did i even care?

Taking another long drag in my cigarette, I welcomed the drug into my system, allowing it to corrupt my mind.

When did things get so complicated?

Yeah . . . Am I the only one that's starting to feel like this isn't a great storyline? However, I have actually cut out a major part of this story to replace it with an amazing (and hopefully better) idea from shipsforlife3 ! Thank you so much! ❤

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