Chapter 3

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Thomas' POV

I walked into the classroom late, like usual, Scott and Lydia trailing behind me. As we took our seats, everyone glanced our way, the teacher simply rolling her eyes before going back to the work that was written on the board by the front of the class.

"Now, for this assignment, you'll need to find a partner. You won't be working together for the whole year, just this term." she announced.

Everyone turned to their friends, arranging who was to go with who.

"Oh, and I forgot to mention, I've already paired you up. I'm sick of this class messing about every time we do group work." a chorus of groans echoed through the room as everybody sat back down, waiting to hear who they would be partnered with.

"Chloe and John, Marcus and David, Matt . . . " she began listing off the pairs. I looked around the room, hoping that I wouldn't get put with one of the idiots in the room. " . . . you're with Lydia, Thomas and Newt, Scott and Lucas, Owen and Minho . . . " I froze, not Newt!

I looked up, my eyes meeting Newt's. As I grabbed my stuff, moving over to the seat besides him by the back of the class, I could have sworn that I saw a tint of red appear on his cheeks, though I soon forgot about it.

"Hey . . . " he said. His voice was like heaven, rough and thick with an odd accent. British, I believe.

The faint smell of smoke and aftershave fell around him - it was an almost musky scent. It was nice.

He placed his leather jacket on the back of his seat him, leaning back into a reclined position as he crossed his feet. He looked almost too comfortable, considering we were in school.

"So, you got any idea what we're supposed to be doing?" he asked, sliding his sunglasses off of the top of his head and placing them on the desk, random strands of blonde hair falling back into place as he did so. I shook my head, looking down at the desk. "Not much of a speaker, 'ey?" he laughed, crossing his arms, "Shame. Now I'll never know if your voice is as perfect as your face."

I felt my face flush bright red, as I tried to cover my embarrassment up by coughing.

"W-What?" I stuttered, turning to face him.

"Nothing." he replied, his facial expression not changing once, "Now, shall we get on with this shit?"

"Oh . . . umm . . . yeah . . . " I said, confusion filling my head.

As we got on with the work, I couldn't help but keep replaying what he had said over and over in my head. Did he really mean it? Or was he just messing with me . . .

Third chapter! Woo! I hope you're all enjoying it! By the way, I'm sorry there updates seem random. They're supposed to be every Wednesday but I keep losing track of the days XD

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