Chapter 9

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3rd Person POV

As they sat in Maths class, they kept stealing secret glances at each other. It had been a week since that day when they had first kissed, and they had barely been able to keep their hands off of each other since.

Every spare minute they got, they would be together, kissing and talking, but that wasn't often. Their mates were constantly around them, and the more they kept disappearing, the more suspicious they got.

"Thomas! Pay attention!" the teacher yelled, snapping Thomas out of his daze.

Newt laughed quietly to himself, on the other side of the room, as he saw Thomas shake his head, roll his eyes and then go back to doodling in his workbook.

"What's so funny?" Minho asked, looking over to where Newt had been gazing.

"N-Nothing. Just remembered something Tho- . . . somebody had said." Newt corrected, quickly looking down at his book. Numbers and equations swirled around the page in front of him as he tried to make sense of the work, before he eventually gave up, going back to observing the class.

"I swear to God . . . there's something going on with you." Minho pointed out.

"What makes you say that?"

"Just . . . you've been acting odd this past week. You keep smiling randomly and going off at lunch to goodness knows where."

"Nah. I've just been busy 's all." Newt replied, vaguely avoiding Minho's accusations.

Minho just huffed in response, muttering something under his breath as he went back to his phone, leaning back in his chair.

Newt mirrored his actions, propping his feet up on the desk in front of him as he stared up at the murky white ceiling above.

"Newt! Feet off the desk and pay attention! Unless you'd like to join me for lunch?"

"Why? Got something special planned for me?" Newt smirked, not budging. He felt the class all look at him, including Thomas, which made his smirk grow.

Thomas watched from the other side of the classroom, a glint in his eyes, amused at Newt's actions.

"Don't be cheeky, Newt. You know very well what I mean." she replied, huffing in annoyance.

"I'm not quite sure I do."

"Newt!" she warned, her voice raising as she became more fed up with his behaviour, "You'll be spending lunch in here writing lines if you don't get your feet down, NOW!" she shouted.

Newt simply laughed, sliding his feet off of the desk.

"I'm sorry but I will be otherwise engaged." he joked, sending a sly wink in Thomas' direction that nobody but Thomas noticed. Heat rose to Thomas' cheeks as he looked away, hearing Newt's melodic laugh not far behind him.

The teacher scoffed, going back to teaching whatever she was supposed to be teaching. Newt stayed quiet for the rest of the lesson, occasionally glancing over in Thomas' direction whilst Thomas chatted quietly to Scott.

So this was just a filler chapter, sorry if it's bad. But OMG, I reread this whilst editing, and Newt reminds me so much of Jack Frost ;) I think I wrote this during my ROTBTD phase x

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