Chapter 7

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Thomas' POV

The next day, I went to school still confused about last night. I couldn't make out what had happened . . . and why it didn't happen. But why did I want it to happen anyway?

As I walked down the crowded corridor, my books in my hand, I spotted him. He was stood by his locker, talking and laughing with his mates. He didn't look upset, or confused, or anything that I felt. He looked normal . . . happy.

My heart fell as I stuffed my unused books into my locker opposite, trying not to look over in his direction. He clearly wasn't bothered.

* * *

Newt's POV

"Hi, Newt." Nadia cooed as she walked up to me during lunch. I stubbed my cigarette out before replying to her.

"Hey, Nadia, how've you been?"

"I'm great. Though I know what would make me feel even better." she flirted, flicking her long, blonde hair in my face, fluttering her eyelashes. I didn't feel in the mood for flirting, especially not with her, but I had nothing better to do since Thomas hadn't talked to me since last night. And, hey, she was a good sport.

"Oh, and what would that be?" I asked, leaning against the wall behind me. She stepped forward, leaning her face closer to mine, our breath mingling together in a small cloud in front of us.

"Mine, tonight at 9." she whispered in a low, husky voice, before strutting away.

"Woah, get you!" Minho laughed. I just huffed in response, Nadia was great but she wasn't Thomas. "What's up, mate? You just got Nadia Clauson, the most hottest girl in school! Again!"

"Yeah . . . she's ok . . . " I mumbled, lighting up another cigarette, taking a long drag on it before closing my eyes.

* * *

I ran my hands down her bare back, pushing her down onto the bed. Her blue eyes gazed up at me above her, lust filling them.

"I've missed this." she breathed out, attaching our lips together in a hasty, unmeaningful kiss. I used to date Nadia, but we broke up not long ago because I couldn't do the whole 'long-term relationship' thing, and she was just a player anyways.

"Mmph" I replied, running my hands roughly through her now knotted hair.

Groans, moans and cries filled the room. Heavy breathing and the sound of skin on skin bounced off of the walls.

"Oh God . . . Newt . . . yes!" she screamed, closing her eyes and throwing her head back in pleasure as I slammed into her. All the anger and stress that had previously been built up inside me now disintegrated, getting lost in the events of the night.

I'm trying to build on Newt's character in both this and the following chapter's. This is how he usually was before Thomas came along, I'm not sure if any of you got that at the beginning of this story since he doesn't come across like it that much. Basically, he's a couldn't-care-less fuckboy ;)

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