Chapter 4

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Newt's POV

I laughed to myself as I watched him doing the work, red still tinting his cheeks.


That was his name. It was as beautiful as he was, and let me tell you, he's even hotter up close. This boy was having some sort of weird effect on me that I couldn't control, though I wasn't sure if I wanted to.

"There, I think that's it." he said, leaning back in his chair. His voice was so smooth and sexy, no wonder all the girls were after him!

"Not bad, cutie. For a jock anyway." I mocked, a smirk painted on my face.

"Says you! It's not like you bothered to help me!" he argued.

"Oh, sure. Whatever, if that's how you want to be I'll leave you to work alone next time." I scoffed.

"Right, sure. Like I wouldn't prefer to work alone anyways."

"Whatever, loser." I said, grabbing my stuff, pushing the chair back roughly as I stood up. It sent a loud scrape echoing through the room, bringing the class to a hush.

Everyone turned to watch the 'drama'. Probably just to give them something to gossip about. They watched as I began to walk out of the classroom, slipping a fresh cigarette out of my pocket on my way. Thomas stayed sat in his chair, not that I expected anything more of him to be honest.

"Newt, get sat back down. It's not the end of lesson yet." the teacher warned as she stood up from her chair at the desk.

I simply ignored her, placing the unlit cigarette into my mouth and slipping my leather jacket back on.

"Newt!" she called, thinking that she sounded important if she raised her voice. "I'll have to call the headmaster if you take one step out of that door." she said as I pulled the door open.

I didn't even bother to reply, sliding my sunglasses down and slamming the door shut.

I placed my earphones in, plugging them into my phone as I made my way down the lonely corridor. Nobody tried to stop me, simply watching me walk straight out of the school, just like they do every time.

The now lit cigarette hung loosely out from between my lips, smoke flowing up passed my eyes as I walked down the empty street.

Who does that kid think he is?

Why was I even bothered by him anyway? He's just some stupid jock, I shouldn't even be wasting my time on him.

So, this one wasn't that great . . . sorry :/

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Love you guys x

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