Chapter 12

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3rd Person POV

The two of them sat on the couch watching a film, though they were both too distracted to understand what was actually going on in it.

Newt was sat with his right arm slung over Thomas' shoulders, casually. Though, after a few minutes he grew bored and began slowly stroking Thomas' thigh, teasing him, whilst Thomas tried not to react. Irritated from the lack of a reaction, Newt roughly attached his lips to the exposed skin on Thomas' neck, sucking and biting gently until he felt Thomas let out a low moan. He smirked, trailing small kisses down the side of his neck as Thomas tilted his head, giving him more access.

He slowly moved his lips further up, kissing down Thomas' sharp jawline until he reached his lips. Without hesitation, he pressed his chapped lips firmly against Thomas', taking him by surprise. He placed a hand behind his head, tugging lightly at the ends of his dark hair as they moved their lips together in sync.

Confidence rising, Thomas slipped his tongue passed Newt's lips, swiping it over his teeth in the process. A small growl could be heard faintly escaping Newt's mouth as their tongues fought for dominance, Newt eventually giving in to Thomas' demands.

This was a first. Newt was used to a challenge.

Determined not to seem weak, Newt slid his hands down Thomas' sides, his fingertips ghosting over Thomas' firm abs as they ran up his thin shirt. Thomas shivered at the touch, closing his eyes as he allowed Newt to once again take control.

Newt suddenly pushed Thomas back, Thomas' back hitting the soft couch below as Newt began to straddle him, running his hands over his chest. He eventually pulled his lips away from Thomas', bending down to attach them to his newly exposed skin.

Goosebumps appeared on Thomas' front as Newt left small, wet kisses down his chest to his waistline. He teased at the hem of Thomas' jeans, slipping two fingers under the material.

Thomas bucked his hips up, eager for Newt's touch as he lay beneath him. Newt smirked, a low laugh making it's way out of his mouth as he hooked his fingers under the material, gently slipping them down.

"Newt . . . " Thomas moaned, the air in the room growing thick and sweaty.

Newt silently layed over Thomas' submissive body, pressing his lips against his in a lust filled kiss. He moved his hands further down as they kissed, ignoring Thomas' pleads as he continued to explore his mouth.

"Newt . . . please . . . I need you!" Thomas mumbled against the kiss, his hands tugging at Newt's blonde hair.

Newt didn't need telling twice as he slowly pulled his lips away from Thomas', once again. He brought one hand up, lacing his and Thomas' fingers together, silently questioning Thomas with a stare.

He bent down, placing a chaste kiss on Thomas' soft lips as his warm eyes gazed up at him, lust clouding them not unlike his own. Without another word, he slid his hand down, pulling off Thomas' boxers in a swift movement. Glancing back up at Thomas, he waited, finally receiving a nod of approval to continue.

The room was soon filled with low moans and heavy breathing, the two boys' clothes left discarded on the floor.

I won't lie, this was originally full on, you know, but I just didn't feel comfortable posting it and it was badly written anyways so :/ sorry?

I'd ask you to Vote and Comment but I just . . . God . . . I am off straight to hell XD

Love you guys regardless, haha x

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