Chapter 15

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I apologise for the really delayed update, but I'm on summer break now and finally have time to go and edit my chapters so expect more soon! This particular chapter is from two weeks ago :) Enjoy!

3rd Person POV

A week dragged by, every smiling face and chirpy voice a dull reminder of the misery in the air. Couples holding hands and kissing in front of them soon became torture for the two boys.

It had been a week since the fatal day that it seemed everything fell apart and neither of the boys had made an effort to speak to the other. But as each day crawled by, they began to find it harder and harder to keep the distance between them. Until eventually, one Wednesday afternoon, as raindrops rhythmically pattered against the windows and the lights above them flickered, barely able to light up the dull room, it became too much.

It was silent for a few minutes, both boys trying their best to keep to themselves as they worked on the writing exercise that was up on the board by the front of the room. Everyone else was also hard at work, casual chatter floating through the air.

"Hey . . . Newt . . . " Thomas said, his voice hesitant.

For a second, Newt considered blanking him, but soon decided against it, raising his eyes to meet Thomas'.


"I . . . ugh, what happened?"

Newt looked down at the table, work now long forgotten as he played with the pen in his hands. He didn't answer Thomas.

"Please, Newt, don't ignore me." Thomas pleaded. "I need to know. I thought everything was going great, and then . . . and then, it just . . . stopped!"

Newt scoffed, rolling his eyes slightly at Thomas' ignorance.

"You wanna know what happened? She happened, Thomas." Newt snarled, pointing his finger accusingly at Mariah, who sat smiling with one of her fake friends. "She came along, throwing herself all over you, and I realised something. You and me, we're never gonna work. It was all some stupid mistake. You're part of the soccer team! You should be dating girls like her not guys like me!"

Thomas sat there, shock evident on his face. His mouth opened and closed, words forming but not being voiced.

"You know what, fuck this. I shouldn't be explaining anything to you! It wasn't me throwing myself at girls! In fact, I went out of my way to stay out of the messes that I usually got caught up in because I thought there was something different about you. Clearly I was wrong." Newt muttered, pushing his chair back and standing up abruptly.

"Newt! Newt, don't you dare leave this classroom again!" the teacher shouted, somehow still not realising that there was no point.

"Oh, fuck off!" Newt shouted, ripping the door open as he left the room. Thomas flinched in his seat as the door slammed shut behind the older boy.

People shared silent glances with each other before murmurs emerged from all across the room, everyone each coming up with their own theories. Rolling his eyes, Thomas jumped out of his chair, slinging his bag on his shoulder.

As Thomas rushed out of the room, people watched in confusion, wondering why Thomas of all people was following Newt.

"Thomas, please, stop! If you step foot out of this classroom I'll have to get the headmaster involved." The teacher warned but he simply shook his head, swinging the door open.

"Seriously woman, get a life." he muttered, letting the door swing shut behind him as he quickly began to walk down the empty corridor. He didn't notice Scott's glare burning into the back of his head.

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