Chapter 16

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3rd Person POV

A day had passed since the two had made up. Their changes in mood had changed noticeably, though nobody could tell why.

It was break, and Newt was stood by the bike sheds with Minho as usual. He had a newly lit cigarette in his grasp, the intoxicating smoke swirling around in front of his face. His eyes followed it through the air, mesmerised as he lost himself in his thoughts.

"Oh look, your boyfriend's over there!" Minho shouted, his finger pointing over by the field where Thomas stood with his teammates. A wide smirk spread across the boy's lips as he watched Newt's reaction, shock and confusion entering his best friend's expression.

"W-What?" Newt stuttered, unsure as to whether Minho was joking or not.

"Oh, nothing." He replied, taking a slow drag on his own cigarette, the smirk still evident on his face.

Newt shook his head, baffled by his friend's words.

* * *

"Hey, babe." Newt whispered, his voice low. Thomas shivered as Newt's lips brushed against his ear, sending warm tingles down his spine. Luckily, the corridors were empty since everybody wanted to get out of school as quickly as possible.

Newt smirked as he witnessed the effect that he had on the younger boy, taking a small step back as he allowed Thomas to place his books into his locker before locking it up. Then, without a word, they started walking down the corridor, Thomas' hand slipping into Newt's.

They were just leaving the building when Newt stopped, looking to Thomas.

"Wanna go get a milkshake?" he asked, a small smile on his face.

"Hell yeah!" Thomas laughed, leaning to plant a chaste kiss onto Newt's lips.

There was a small milkshake bar just around the corner from school, and as the two boys walked, hand in hand, Newt couldn't seem to wipe the smile off of his face. Everything was perfect. The sun was shining, the wasn't a cloud in the sky and he was with Thomas. It was almost as though the last week hadn't even happened, other than the fact that they know shared a deeper understanding of their relationship.

They soon spotted the milkshake bar, a childlike glee sparking inside of Thomas as he began to drag his boyfriend down the street. As they arrived outside of the building, he turned to Newt, laughing at his amused face.

"Bloody hell, Tommy, they're just milkshakes!" he laughed, lovingly shaking his head as he allowed Thomas to drag him into the building.

As soon as they entered the building, they felt the change in the air. A cold breeze swirled in the room due to the air conditioning that was turned on high, and Newt could finally see properly now that the sun was no longer glaring into his eyes.

They walked casually up to the till, Thomas scanning over the wide variety of different flavoured milkshakes, excitement radiating off of him. As Thomas decided which milkshake he would have, Newt ordered his own, a basic strawberry. He wasn't fussy when it came to milkshakes.

Eventually, Thomas decided upon a cookies and cream flavoured milkshake with extra cream on the top. After a few minutes, the two drinks were ready, and as Newt payed for them, Thomas started to head outside.

Newt quickly caught up with the younger boy, who was already taking a sip of his milkshake, the cool sensation of the drink causing his body to relax in the heat.

Not too long after they left the milkshake bar, the two boys came across a small park. They turned into it, walking along the pebbled path until they spotted a vacant bench under a large birch tree. As they sat down, hands entwined, they each leant back basking in the warm sun. No words needed to be exchanged as the two sat there, enjoying being in each other's presence.

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