Chapter 13

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3rd Person POV

The next day was a struggle for both boys. After last nights events, they were finding it hard to keep their hands off of each other.

"Hey watch it, shank!" Newt shouted as he collided with Thomas in the corridor. Obviously he didn't mind walking into him (partly because he'd done it intentionally) but he couldn't let everyone else know that.

"Oi! Maybe if you got your head out of your ass you would have seen me!" Thomas retorted, grabbing Newt by the shoulder and forcing him to look at him.

People begun crowding round the two, watching the 'argument' unfold. Nobody had stood up to Newt before . . . especially not the new kid.

"Pff . . . seriously kid, you need to take a look at yourself."

"Me? Clearly you haven't looked in the mirror recently." Thomas snarled, still gripping Newt's bicep.

The people around them all reacted differently, some shocked at Thomas' words, others amazed at his confidence. The rest were plain confused. What was this kid doing?

In order to keep up his reputation, Newt had to show the people gathered round them that he wouldn't allow himself to be pushed around.

He instantly pinned Thomas' back against the lockers behind them, bringing their faces unbelievably close. Newt could feel Thomas' hot breath hitting his face, his chest rising up and down against his own. It was hard for him not to kiss the younger boy right there and then, but he had to fight back the strong urge, keeping his face tense with annoyance.

"If you ever, ever challenge me again, you'll be sorry." he growled, menacingly, loud enough for the people nearby to hear.

"Oh yeah, what are you gonna do? Huh?" Thomas teased, amused at how he had to pretend to not know that Newt was bluffing.

"Trust me . . . I'll fuck you over." Newt snarled, then leant closer so that his mouth was on Thomas' ear, his breath tickling him as he spoke. "Last night was just kids play." he whispered for only Thomas to hear, causing the younger one to shiver under him.

With that, Newt pushed himself up, strolling away from Thomas with a wide smirk playing on his lips, a hint of amusement emerging in his eyes. People began murmuring, curious as to what he had said - though they would never know.

Thomas didn't move straight away, he remained leant against the locker, his gaze fixed on Newt as he walked away. He paid no attention to those around him, too lost in his own thoughts to care about theirs.

Scott had been stood not too far away, watching the scene unfold. He wasn't fooled like the rest of them; he'd seen how Thomas had reacted to Newt's presence being so threateningly close. Any normal person would have been scared, cowering away from him, since he's known for his aggressive and unpleasant nature, but not Thomas. Thomas hadn't even flinched, pushing his luck with Newt and practically welcoming him closer. There was something Scott was obviously missing, and it was bugging him.

So . . . hmm . . . not a great chapter but :/

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Love you guys x

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