Chapter 20

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Shoutout to LavenderSangster for being an amazing reader; your comments are legit my own reactions despite the fact that I wrote this! Thanks so much for reading this! ❤

3rd Person POV

Minho held a house party that weekend. Everyone who was anyone was there! Empty beer cans littered the floor, half drunk glasses left on cluttered tables and furniture tipped over. The music was blaring out of the large sound system over by the patio out the back, the floor vibrating to the beat. People swarmed by, some dancing, some chatting. It was a typical teenage party.

"Hey, babe, dance with me?" Thomas asked Newt, grabbing his hand as he lead him to the dance floor. Newt obeyed, knowing that everyone would be too hungover by the morning to remember anything.

The two of them danced, hands roaming wildly over each other's bodies, grinding up against each other. As time passed, people were becoming more and more drunk, shouting across crowds to their friends in ridiculously loud voices that were quickly lost in the music.

"I'm gonna go grab a drink, you want one?" Newt asked, pulling himself away from Thomas. Thomas just laughed, shaking his head as he continued to dance, the alcohol already swimming through his system.

Newt shook his head, smirking at Thomas as he walked out of the room, making his way into the less crowded kitchen. He pulled a chilled beer out of the fridge, shutting the door after, when he spotted Minho stood by the counter talking to some unfamiliar guy.

"Hey." Newt said, going to join him. He stayed with the two guys, sharing small talk until he began to get bored. He took a sip of his beer, nodding bye to the two before walking out of the kitchen. A small smile rested on his lips as he turned into the lounge, but it soon melted away as soon as his eyes landed on the scene playing out in front of him.

There Thomas stood, clear as day, his lips attached to some girl's. His hands were placed firmly on her waist, holding her body close against his own as they made out.

Newt stood there, unable to believe his eyes. Thomas wouldn't cheat on him! Would he?

But he was. Right in front of him.

"Oh, wow! That's just bloody great isn't it!" Newt screamed, ripping Thomas off of the girl. The girl didn't seem too bothered, just ambling off, probably to find some other guy to fuck, "After everything we've been through, you go and fucking do this!"

Thomas stayed silent, fear and disbelief in his drunken eyes as he stared at Newt in front of him.

"You know, this is exactly why I didn't want to get to know you!" Newt shouted, pushing Thomas back a bit, "No matter what, everything ends in disappointment. But I expected better from you, Thomas . . . I trusted you." he spoke, his voice quieting and cracking by the end. A tear ran down his face, something that Thomas had never seen before.

Without another word, Newt shoved passed Thomas, keeping his head down as he stormed out of the house.

Thomas stood in the middle of the room, the people around him oblivious to what has just occured.

A single tear ran down Thomas' own face, as he stared at the spot that Newt had just been stood in.

Omg! So sad! Please don't kill me!

Sorry it's so short, I feel like all these upcoming chapters seem really short :/

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Love you guys x

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